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      willsie01 reacted to profchris's post in the thread Acoustic Guitar with Like Like.
      Ah, that helps. And I'm assuming the curvature was still there when you glued up the box? If so, unlikely to be a humidity shrinkage...
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      willsie01 replied to the thread Acoustic Guitar.
      The braces were clamped and glued to the soundboard in a dished jig. The curvature remained for quite a few months after the body was...
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      willsie01 reacted to profchris's post in the thread Acoustic Guitar with Like Like.
      Don't waste your time trying to restore the doming to the top. You locked in the geometry when you glued on the bracing, and more so...
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      willsie01 replied to the thread Acoustic Guitar.
      I’ll check it out.
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      willsie01 reacted to sploo's post in the thread Acoustic Guitar with Like Like.
      There are inflatable bags used for lifting; e.g...
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      willsie01 replied to the thread Acoustic Guitar.
      It’s more about learning a way of restoring the curvature rather than if it is ok flat. Because it’s there!
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      willsie01 reacted to CliveB's post in the thread Acoustic Guitar with Like Like.
      Most likely due to changes in relative humidity (RH), the spruce will shrink as the humidity decreases and later expand if the humidity...
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      willsie01 posted the thread Acoustic Guitar in Projects.
      I’m making an acoustic guitar. The sound board is designed to have a very slight curvature outward. Between sessions at the college it...
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