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      Twigpot replied to the thread Punky spalted beech.
      Thanks for all the ideas. Great tips which have given me a few options to try. I have a few large pieces left to play with so will try...
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      Hi everyone. I'm relatively new to turning and have some punky spalted beech which I've tried treating with several coats of thinned...
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      Twigpot replied to the thread Stamps, envelopes etc.
      Hi Kittyhawk, Yes, I'm interested. I've been collecting these on and off since I was a young lad, particularly with a historical...
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      Twigpot replied to the thread Stamps, envelopes etc.
      Hi Kittyhawk, Yes, I've been collecting on and off since I was a child particularly anything with historical connections like these...
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      Twigpot replied to the thread Hello from Cambridgeshire.
      Thanks for the welcome and helpful advice. I was given a second-hand budget bench saw some time ago and soon realised that my next one...
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      Twigpot replied to the thread Hello from Cambridgeshire.
      Hi and thanks for sharing your experience - very helpful. I'll take a look at Titan. I already have a dust extraction unit for my lathe...
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      Hi All, I have been wood turning for about two years and have been enjoying watching this forum and have now decided to take the plunge...
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