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  1. S

    Folding bench seat

    Many thanks to everyone who helped out and especially Graham Orm who supplied me with some drawings. All I have to do now is make it.... and raise £80,000 for some new bells.
  2. S

    Folding bench seat

    Cheers Shultzy The sagulator says acceptable. I've got some 25mm American white oak that should fit the bill
  3. S

    Folding bench seat

    Shultzy. I've had a look at the brackets but they don't look very strong. What's your view on them, will they support two average sized blokes?
  4. S

    Folding bench seat

    Just to explain further the rope that runs close to the wall in front of the arched window is the rope that we use to raise and lower the bell ropes and is not one we use to ring.
  5. S

    Folding bench seat

    Here are the photos. The width at it's widest point is 64" and that's from the outside edges of the stonework. I'll have a look at the Screwfix option
  6. S

    Folding bench seat

    That's the sort of thing. I don't have any photos as yet but hopefully I may be able to get some tomorrow. I'm in court all day but I'll make an effort to take some photos. The church is grade 1 listed but thankfully that doesn't apply to the ringing room. (BTW I'm on the right side of the bench...
  7. S

    Folding bench seat

    Yes that's what I want to do. It would only be fixed at either end as the seat would go across the front a low arched window. Simplest solution would to fit it in the window but the height of the window is such that you wouldn't be able to sit upright.
  8. S

    Folding bench seat

    Hi I have a problem which you might be able to help me with. I'm a church bell ringer and I would like to make a bench seat that fixes to the wall so that people can sit down but... because the room we ring in is so small any bench would impede anybody ringing so it needs to fold away when we...