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  1. S

    The Great Carlsberg Workshop Construction Project

    Well, that looks absolutely superb. Are you sure that it's a workshop though. It looks good enough to live in!! Having said that, if I'd spent that much on a workshop the wife would be expecting to live in it........ in fact.....what a good idea. How much did it cost again??? Whatever it was...
  2. S

    spend my money for me TABLE SAW

    Hey Suprasport, I remember seeing a review of this saw: in The Woodworker (or similar) about a year ago and they gave it a really good review. I went into DB Keighleys in Leeds for something unrelated and saw the same piece of kit set up. It...
  3. S

    My New HiFi Unit Installed :)

    Nice bit of work there. Looks really good. Can you give an idea on what wood you used and the finish/es? Thanks.
  4. S

    The Great Carlsberg Workshop Construction Project

    Hey Carlsberg, When's the next episode coming out?? It's like waiting for the next episode of 24. I can't wait. I'm not sure if someone hasn't already asked this before, but, as I am thinking of making a workshop in my own garden, I'm toying with the idea of a self build timber shed, or, a...
  5. S

    I made a coffee table

    Jonathan, Nice work there. I agree with what a couple of others say about the legs, Nice clean legs instead of turned legs. I think the cleaner lines make it look less heavy and more elegant. How long did it take from start to finish and did you have a plan/drawing?
  6. S

    Just Finished This DVD Library

    Hey Marky, You should be well pleased with that. It looks a spot on job. Nice one. Sandy
  7. S

    The Great Carlsberg Workshop Construction Project

    Hi Carlsberg, I'm finding this diary really interesting as I'm wanting to look at building my own workshop. Can I ask a couple of questions though? 1) CLS? I'm ok with most abbreviations, eg PAR, OSB etc but, never come across CLS. 2) I can see the purpose of making concrete pads to rest the...
  8. S

    Optimake (Lurem / Record) Combi

    Hey Yettiman, I've just had an email from Roger regarding a Record/Lurem Optimake and I understand that you are looking for a DVD/Video? :) Unfortunately, I can't help with the DVD or video as mine didn't come with one :( , but I can help with the User manual if you want it? :D I assume the...