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  1. S

    Scratching my head

    Hi All Thanks for the tips, especially James for that link, my instinct of a template wasn't so far off. I think my strategy will be to do my usual time/materials estimate then add an extra 30% tie on the labour side given how fiddly the job risks being. If the client accepts I'll post a an...
  2. S

    Scratching my head

    A client has asked me to retro fit a single (continuous) skirting to run up some stairs (timber treads & risers fixed onto concrete - 15 steps, approx 5 linear meters of skirting). I enclose a 1st photo that she has sent me of the "desired look" she wants. I also enclose a 2nd photo of her...
  3. S

    River coffee table

    Thanks for the nice comments, much appreciated. I did the initial design in SketchUp, happy to send the file to any of you who use the software? Sam
  4. S

    River coffee table

    I wasn't confident enough to cut & finish the glass myself so I had my supplier do this based on the template in 10mm white melamine. The design I used with bolts in 50mm long channels meant that I had a little bit of "play" when installing the glass so I could put it in place then slide the two...
  5. S

    River coffee table

    Last set of photos near completion, finishing detail, oiling & making sure the glass fits!
  6. S

    River coffee table

    A few pics of a recent river coffee table for a client that wanted a design a "Greg Klassen" style. I'm not sure I achieved that but I was happy with the final result and it was a nice project to get. The photos are mostly later on in the build (apologies for missing the early stages) legs in...
  7. S

    Jatoba washbasin stand

    I used biscuits & Geistlich exterior grade glue (D4). I figured in a bathroom it was best to use a high grade waterproof glue.
  8. S

    Jatoba washbasin stand

    Oiling & assembly, insert of handle & hinges then fitting.
  9. S

    Jatoba washbasin stand

    Cutting the door & first dry fit.
  10. S

    Jatoba washbasin stand

    Shaping was done initially with the grinder (dust mask was a must!) Then shaped with the sander starting at 60 grit.
  11. S

    Jatoba washbasin stand

    My first project post! I'm a huge fan of the forum and visit often for ideas, thanks all. I thought it about time I posted something. This is a jatoba stand built to hold a small, unusual shaped, washbasin. Cutting correct angles to follow the contour was tricky. First time I've done this so...
  12. S

    Split top saw bench - modified design

    Nice, I think I'll be (attempting) to copy you :-)
  13. S

    Glass Corner Cupboard

    Wow, really nice. Which CAD software do you use & how much? I am still using the free Sketchup and keep wondering if I'm limiting myself.
  14. S

    Hello from Switzerland

    Hi Gogs Just seen your post. The 2 best timber suppliers in Geneva are based in Vernier (near the airport). Biggest is Corabois and then also Bourquin Bois, I order from both and they are helpful & friendly. Both are good professional suppliers so hard to differentiate but Bourquin has perhaps...