Recent content by Rogerdodge

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  1. R

    Spindle Moulder Questions

    I may be a "newbie" to this forum but I have been around woodworking machinery for almost forty years. Whilst spindle moulder tooling is infinitely safer than it was then, the lethal potential of operator error remains the same. I would strongly recommend that you read Eric Stephenson's "Spindle...
  2. R

    Kity 613 bandsaw manual

    Thank you Bob, Jim and modest Steve. Your information is very welcome and I am very grateful for it! I will definitely buy Steve's DVD's (I have a lot of drawers to make) and I will also try NMA Agencies for a manual and also for spares. Thanks again, Roger. P.s. I usually avoid forums like the...
  3. R

    Kity 613 bandsaw manual

    Does anyone know where I can get a user's manual for this bandsaw? I would be willing to pay for a photocopy if anyone would be willing to make a copy for me. I have only just acquired this machine and I'm pretty much in the dark about its setup and maintenance. I hope that someone can help me...