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  1. R

    which dust extractor?

    Thanks both for responding. I think that I'll go for a twin motor unit. It might be a bit of overkill, but it'll give me a little more peace of mind. Thanks
  2. R

    which dust extractor?

    hi. I need some advice on buying a dust extractor. I have very recently been given the all clear after being treated for a rare form of cancer of the pharynx (behind the nose and the back of the throat). My wife and myself are understandable concerned about me continuing with my hobbies...
  3. R

    axminster AWVFS problem

    Daven, Thanks for posting.. I have received the hex bolts from DSJ (they are M4 x 16 BTW and are much higher quality than the originals) and now I'm back in business Much appreciated Rob
  4. R

    axminster AWVFS problem

    Thanks for the help.. I'll be ordering those bolts tomorrow. Cheers
  5. R

    axminster AWVFS problem

    I was bought an axminster AWVFS variable speed as a birthday present just over a year ago, but I haven't had much time to use it. I carve lovespoons so a fretsaw seemed like a god send. i ordered a load of pinless blades and after using the saw on 3 occasions found that the hex bolt that...