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  1. M

    A smoking ban?

    If you look at the NHS figures they estimate it costs them 14 billion a year to look after people with smoking related illnesses and the government figures show they raise 10.8 billon a year in tabacco taxes
  2. M

    A smoking ban?

    I live near a school and it is alarming to see how many 12 to 16 year olds are smoking especialy girls I don't see any effect on the age limit preventing them from buying cigarettes is having on them getting them
  3. M

    Tips for threading

    When I make threads I use a variety of hardwood dowels but I soak them in raw linseed oil it penetrates deeper and doesn't have driers in it so acts as a lubricant. I couldn't say what's the best length of time to soak them as all timber varies but overnight hasn't hurt any yet go slowly back...
  4. M

    What constitutes 'handmade' ?

    I work only with hand tools and have not any powered tools all my wood work and carvings are made entirely by hand mostly with antique tools it's quick efficient and very profitable
  5. M

    Small Wooden Mallet

    Yes it's actually a palm mallet the handle is there mainly to help you hold the tool properly. You could hold the handle part and hit something but mainly it's to help hold the mallet
  6. M

    Small Wooden Mallet

    When you need to make sharp precision cuts with carving tools not designed to be hit with a mallet I have found a palm mallet is the best tool my favourite is made of African ebony it just fits in the palm of your hand gives enough force to make a cut and has never damaged a tool handle yet the...