Recent content by Mac in Indy

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  1. M

    Stuck in Birmingham for 3 days

    Thanks guys I appreciate the replys. I wimped out on any big trips and just toured around Birmingham a bit. Taxi's are expensive but then so is everything else or so it seems. Tomorrow I'll find out if I'm going home or to Turkey. Likely the latter. I'm going to take a few days off when I get...
  2. M

    Stuck in Birmingham for 3 days

    Back in December I askd for advice regarding things to do in Leeds while there on business. About all I accomplished that trip was the business and a trip to the A&E because of kidney stones. I am back in the UK working with the same folks in a different location as they needed to do testing...
  3. M

    Visiting UK on business - Leeds - what to do?

    Well I've been here all week but the testing wound up early but unsucussfully so it looks like I'll be returning again in the near future. It has been eventfull for me from the first day. Driving my automatic Mercedes I managed to get from the airport to the Holiday Inn without killing anyone! I...
  4. M

    Visiting UK on business - Leeds - what to do?

    Thanks guys. I have looked into several of your suggestions online and printed a few maps. I'll be leaving home here in a few hours for that long plane ride across the pond but if you think of anything else I'll be checking this thread while I'm over there, assuming that the Holiday Inn Leeds...
  5. M

    Visiting UK on business - Leeds - what to do?

    I'm from Indianapolis Indiana in the States and I've been a lurker on this forum for a couple of years. I stumbled into the site from a posting that someone made on one of the forums here in the States. It's been interesting to visit occasionally and see how the craft is done on the other side...