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  1. K

    scrollsaw shows (no go)

    hello everyone sorry i have not got back sooner its not good news as far as getting any help with a scrollsaw event i have talked to various people about having help setting a show up the only ones who gave me a valid reason were the people at hegner uk they said that a few years ago they had a...
  2. K

    are there any scrollsaw events or shows in the uk

    hello frank just to let you know theirs a wood supplies at a place called snainton web address near pickering in yorkshire they have the most machinery i have ever seen at least 6 different scrollsaws alone lathes,saws,planers a woodworkers dream i was their nearly...
  3. K

    are there any scrollsaw events or shows in the uk

    hello frank you asked about harrogate :?: i have never been before is it as good as they say it would be a great chance to meet each other depends on everyones commitments with their familys this was mentioned when i was talking about trying to get something going but as i said no one has got...
  4. K

    are there any scrollsaw events or shows in the uk

    hello everyone just to let you know i have made contact with four people regarding getting a show or event going i have just got back after a few days away so i will chase them up tomorrow so dont think i have forgot i am as keen as you all by the way i went to york when i was their there was...
  5. K

    Two new Japanese puzzles boxes

    hello brucio them boxes are a touch of class they look like they would have taken some time to make were they your own idea or off a plan ?im no where near that level yet ive just finished my first big project the black forest clock i think the plan is an old hobbies plan looks good for first...
  6. K

    are there any scrollsaw events or shows in the uk

    hello everyone thanks very much for at least getting back to me what im going to do now is contact practical woodworker and the rest of the woodwork mags and ask their advice on where to go from here i will also contact ray london who writes for the hobbies mag being disabled i wont be able to...
  7. K

    are there any scrollsaw events or shows in the uk

    hello everyone can anyone tell me if there are any scrollsaw shows or events in the uk where we can get together in the states they seem to call them picnics i would be very interested if there is thanks keith
  8. K

    Interesting Dremel scroll saw

    hello allan i have a scrollstation the saw is great all around the only fault i have found is there is not alot of room between the the top blade holder and the blade when you do alot of piercing work especially when using thicker materials then you have to slitely bend the blade which is not...
  9. K

    where can i buy a dewalt 788 please

    hello gill thanks again for your help for those links i,ll get my sons to help me to download some video footage and stuff as you can see i,m not computer minded i have just been to the other forum thinking it was this one and found your message so thank you for your help is there anyone who...
  10. K

    where can i buy a dewalt 788 please

    hello everyone thank you everyone for your advice i contacted the person who is selling the machine it has lots of blade clamps a peircing clamp set blades hold down gaurd and lots of other bits i am going to go for it i,ll let you all know how i get on thanks again everyone does anyone know...
  11. K

    where can i buy a dewalt 788 please

    hello gill thanks again for taking the time to respond i have decided to give the dewalt a miss if you could i would like your advice on the hegner range i have the chance to buy a hegner ms2 variable speed with a lot of extras for 250 pounds do you think the hegner machine is worth looking at...
  12. K

    where can i buy a dewalt 788 please

    :Dhello again thanks gill those sites are great i saw the arm lift that would be ideal for me i have emailed the guys hope fully i will be able to fit one on my machine i think i would like a dewalt as a second machine just in case one breaks if there is no retailer in the uk do you no of any...
  13. K

    where can i buy a dewalt 788 please

    hello everyone i am new to the forum and to scrollsawing i would welcome anyones advice on where to buy a dewalt 788 i have a dremmel scrollstation which is great but the top arm doesnt lift to make piercing work easy as i where a neck brace due to illness i cant bend to see under the work im...