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  1. J

    Newbie - How to buy and dimension timber?

    Many thanks for the comprehensive replies everyone. It is much appreciated. Whimper! :shock: :( I think this is a tad outside of my budget for the moment! Looks like I'll have to use other methods for now :? Looks like it's planing for me then. :D I did wonder about using a router to get a...
  2. J

    Newbie - How to buy and dimension timber?

    Hi all, newbie here again. I am starting to think about my workshop in earnest now, and I'm afraid I have a shed load of newbie questions about buying wood. My ultimate (naive) goal is to make several items of furniture from scratch, coffe table, entertainment unit, sideboard etc etc...
  3. J

    B&Q Triton Router UPDATE

    Hi, is that the Kiddy one? I'm in Worcs and was pondering whether to make the journey after reading this thread. Looks like it would be a waste of time from your post :(
  4. J

    Newbie: Why are large panels made of several strips?

    Thanks gents. This forum is worth it's weight in gold. Learnt loads already by going through some old threads. Also not a little in awe at some of the amazing stuff you have built! :shock: :D I look forward to learning more from you in the future, thanks.
  5. J

    Newbie: Why are large panels made of several strips?

    Hi all newbie here again, I posted a few weeks ago, but I'm too poor after Christmas to get my woodworking kick started for a month or so. Instead I've been avidly reading "The complete manual of woodworking" (thanks for the recommendation! :D) Today I decided to have a look around a few...
  6. J

    Newbie questions

    Hi all, newbie here. After hunting for weeks for a TV cabinet and finding nothing like what I wanted, and simultaneously watching the "New Yankee Workshop Router 101" TV episodes, I decided, "What the heck, how hard can it be?" :lol: So here I am. I would class myself as moderately competant...