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  1. F

    Instructions for Kity 419 table saw

    Hi, I have bought a Kity 419 on ebay, but no instructions. I assumed that I could find these on the internet but haven't got anywhere with that. Instructions probably aren't strictly needed as i can probably figure it all out by staring at it for a while, taking bits off and putting them back...
  2. F

    Timber for drawer sides and backs?

    Mark.R, Yes, I understand that Tulipwood is the same thing as Poplar. I just spoke to a man at Sykes Timber in Atherstone, who suggested that timber for drawer sides, as did waterhead37. He is having a think about the resawing question and will get back to me. As regards your veneered MDF drawer...
  3. F

    Timber for drawer sides and backs?

    Many thanks to all of you who responded to my request for advice. I clearly should have given a bit more info about my project. First, it is not intended to be a masterpiece but a serviceable and useful piece of bedroom furniture that will look decent, and also will match a built-in chest of...
  4. F

    Timber for drawer sides and backs?

    Hi, I am about to embark on a large chest of drawers (9 drawers). All the wood on show, including the drawer fronts, will be American White Oak, to match other furniture in the bedroom. The bottoms of the drawers will be 6mm birch ply, but I was wondering if I could make the sides and backs of...
  5. F

    Rutlands router table

    Thanks folks for the comments and advice on Rutlands and on NVRs. I realised after I had posted that the idea of any router incorporating its own NVR is just silly, and I have just checked this out with my Triton. I may get the Axminster NVR, or I may have a look on ebay. I don't mind a bit of...
  6. F

    Rutlands router table

    Thanks to phil p and to Fergus for their help. I have just ordered one, in the knowledge that the fence will not be accurately square to the table, and that Rutlands know this but don't care. It will need shimming square or replacing with something better. I also take the warning not to stick...
  7. F

    Rutlands router table

    Looking for a new router table, I see that Rutlands have their Dakota table on special offer at the moment at £99.95. Anyone out there have any opinions on it? There's the delivery charge on top of that and I would want to add a NVR switch and feather boards (maybe home made) but it still seems...
  8. F

    Making new pine look old

    Thanks Tusses and Dan for the caustic soda suggestion. It sounds like nasty stuff though, I'll have to kit myself out with a set of protective gear before trying it. But how mild a solution should I use?
  9. F

    Making new pine look old

    Does anyone know how to make a new piece of pine look old? The main problem is killing the yellowish colour in new stuff. Old pine tends to a whitish grey. I don't think that just putting a stain on can take away the yellow. Would I have to bleach it first? Or leave it out of doors for six...