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  • Cooper
    Cooper replied to the thread Helping at a repair cafe.
    I'm afraid that repair shops in our neck of the woods, of which there once were many, are now a fondly remembered piece of local...
  • Cooper
    Cooper replied to the thread Helping at a repair cafe.
    Funnily enough I was asked to fix a battery Dyson, it was completly dead. I was able to check that the charger was ok, as the battery...
  • Cooper
    Cooper replied to the thread Helping at a repair cafe.
    I really enjoyed the session. I met loads of interesting people with a similar point of view about extending the life of useful items...
  • Cooper
    Cooper replied to the thread Helping at a repair cafe.
    Thank you, it’s really good to know how these organisations work and the sorts of things it’s reasonable to suggest they provide. All...
  • Cooper
    Cooper replied to the thread Helping at a repair cafe.
    Thank you, that is most encouraging. I went to the venue yesterday and have a better idea of what to take, thanks to the comments above...
  • Cooper
    Cooper reacted to spanner48's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
    It sounds like the one you're looking at is ideal: a bit disorganised and chaotic. Because repairing IS chaotic: • You don't know...
  • Cooper
    Cooper reacted to spanner48's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
    Two choices; either: 1: Do as Blister advises: take nothing, treat it as a reconnaisance trip, or: 2: Decide beforehand what...
  • Cooper
    Cooper replied to the thread Helping at a repair cafe.
    Thats what I'm hoping. Already rather pleased that trvir is interested!
  • Cooper
    Cooper replied to the thread Helping at a repair cafe.
    It’s located on the upper floor of Glades, unit 268. it’s called The Hub . Its closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, though the repair cafe...
  • Cooper
    Cooper reacted to furnace's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
    I've volunteered at my local Repair Caff for a few years. There are several different 'repair stations' ranging from jewellery, clothing...
  • Cooper
    Cooper reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
    I think I’d take a basic set of tools as mentioned pliers , screwdrivers , small socket set The soldering iron and multimeter mentioned...
  • Cooper
    Cooper reacted to Jacob's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
    I wondered about woodwork in our local repair cafe but couldn't see how to make it work, without bench etc. However I did run a short...
  • Cooper
    Cooper reacted to --Tom--'s post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
    No direct experience but a friend has done a few stints - lots of mangled screws where people have tried with the wrong bit - so a good...
  • Cooper
    Cooper reacted to Blister's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
    Don't take anything , use the first visit as reconnaissance trip.
  • Cooper
    Cooper reacted to profchris's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
    This is from the Repair Cafe Foundation: In the place where a Repair Café is located, you’ll find tools and materials to help you make...