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      Alaric replied to the thread Veneer Advice.
      Thanks everyone for your replies, I'll do some experimenting with these ideas, lot's to try. Thanks again! Al
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      Alaric posted the thread Veneer Advice in General Woodworking.
      Hey! I'm going to be starting a project that requires veneering and edge banding plywood (instead of spending £250 a sheet on pre...
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      Alaric replied to the thread Surface Planer Good Deal?.
      Awesome, looks like as long as everything is flat and works as it should then we're rolling! Thanks again everyone for the help, All...
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      Alaric replied to the thread Surface Planer Good Deal?.
      Amazing! First post here and blown away by all the help, thanks everyone. Ok cool, well I’ll go round and check all the things...
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      Hey! Would love to get some help in assessing if this is a good deal? Anyone have experience with these old Axminsters? Don't have the...
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