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  1. A

    NVR switches

    Now tested (on 600W power tool only) and works fine.
  2. A

    NVR switches

    Mine arrived today and seems okay though for information it is not as illustrated. The tool socket is actually in the back of the switch box and not on a cord + the red panic button is not mushroom style, but as long as it works I have no current plans to sue...
  3. A


    If anyone is still looking for £98.98 TRB001 router in the Hampshire area you might try phoning the Havant branch of B&Q who may be able to help. Saw spotted yesterday afternoon at Southampton Nursling store @ £112.00 reduced from £225.00 if anyone is interested. Not sure if they had several or...
  4. A

    NVR switches

    Thanks for making us aware of these Kenny. I too have purchased one for the same reason and was amazed to see that 6 were still available this morning. The Trend website is offering what appears to be the exact same item at some £45.00 inc VAT.
  5. A

    B&Q Triton Router UPDATE

    Now sourced and purchased. Many thanks for all the tips and help received over the last couple of days - much appreciated. If you are still looking it may well be worth phoning around your local stores...
  6. A

    Missed the Triton TRA001 Router Boat?

    Now located and purchased with thanks to an understanding wife who very kindly granted me an early anniversary present (some five months off so that's a result!). Sincere thanks to all for your responses which are very much appreciated. I will PM some of you when I have a little more time...
  7. A

    Missed the Triton TRA001 Router Boat?

    I'm not trying to jump any queue's here but if anyone can assist me in tracking down a £98.98 Triton TRA001 Router from B&Q I'd be really grateful as I am setting up a home workshop on a very tight budget and the Triton would be perfect for the job (new father to a four month old son for the...
  8. A

    B&Q Triton Router UPDATE

    Thanks for the tip GrahamH but was advised none left when I tried some 40 mins later. If anyone is able to help in securing one I would be really grateful as I am in the process of setting up a small workshop on a bit of a tight budget. - oh, and I'd be willing to pay for both it and for your...