Calor gas bottles?

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19 Mar 2007
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Ex nr Carcassonne, France. Now Corston Malmesbury
Just a question on the regulator fittings really. I'm probably completely out of date with being out of the country for 13 years!

Does anyone know if Calor still does the bottles wth the left hand screw regulator fitting? It would only be for the small, what used to be 10lb, bottles. This is because I have a gas torch that has the regulator in the hand piece and the pipe screws straight on to the bottle. If it had to go onto one of the clip on regulators there would be two of them in line. I have no idea if that would work?
not heard of regulator in the torch but the calor bottles with the left hand thread are propane and all propane cylinders are left hand thread
The regulator in the hand piece is a guess on my behalf bacause the pipe screws straight on to the bottle and the torche seems to burn about the same as a small camping stove that I have that does use a regulator.

The small 10lb bottle I have is definately butane and it has a left hand thread. The bottle is blue. When we were camping and after that had a caravan we used blue, butane, bottles and they were all left hand thread regs, but the one I got the other day is a click on jobbie. I ddn't think of asking when I bought it?
just seen where you are, the french might use different systems to the uk. most butane in the uk is click on regs and propane screw on.
Convention is that fuel gasses use left hand threads.

Both Butane and propane cylinders that I exchange/refill from time to time for my gas torches have a LHD thread female fitting with a hemispherical metal on metal sealing surface.
My calor 14kg butane bottle has a clip on fitting, according to the calor site only the 4.5kg bottle has a screw fitting the larger butane bottles are clip on,
You probably know this but it could be useful to know that left hand thread fittings on gas bottles have a line stamped across each of the corners of the nut so they are easy to spot.
Our Calor gas supplier still has the 4.5kg (10lb) threaded bottles in stock, so must be still widely available.

flying haggis":39k8p1zr said:
just seen where you are, the french might use different systems to the uk. most butane in the uk is click on regs and propane screw on.

Everything, or almost, in France is different. They can't even drive on the correct side of the road. No wonder they have so many accidents? :mrgreen:

We moved back to the U.K. about 2 months ago. I had posted that bit a while back but say-la-vee as they say? :mrgreen: I've changed my profile now to reflect it.

So it is the U.K. bottles I am talking about and as it's only a 10 lb, 4.5kg (I think ?) bottle I was wondering about it's loking OK? I'll find out on Tuesday when we go in to town. It will be interesting to see if they will swop my OLD bottle for a new jobbie. It has got to be about 20 years old?
What’s new is the patio range that uses clip on regulators
The screw in types are normally readily available and they don’t seem to mind what size you change to as long as you have a bottle to swop.

a calor 10lb has a tap on top, are you sure it isn't a gaz or camping gaz (now owned by calor) cylinder at 10lb (4.5kg now), easy to spot as it doesn't have a cowl like a calor bottle.

if it is gaz then it'll be a 907 and your torch won't have a regulator in it, I have a similar torch (for long heat ups only). if it's calor, the torch wont have a regulator in it either, but I don't have one of them to compare too. :D



most places won't care about it being 20+ years old, the cylinder will return to distributor, be tested and if it passes repainted and sent back out the door.