Favourite turners?


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Established Member
26 Apr 2017
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I recently found the work of Ellsworth and Mark Lindquist online, and was so struck by the latter that I wrote to him and even got a reply (albeit just a 'thanks'!). I guess they're both 'old school' by now, but I think their work's wonderful.
Can you suggest any other turners I should take a look at on account of the interesting work they're doing? I mean, people whose work you really like/ has influenced or just impressed you aesthetically or technically?
Three turners that stand out for me are Mark Sanger, George Watkins and Steve Jones. T o me Mark and George are 2 of the best hollow form turners around and Steve is an amazing production turner and ornamental turner too ( his skew chisel work is jaw dropping)
Lyle JAMIESON. Fantastic hollowing rig, great tuition videos on you tube, a common sense approach and a technique that works.
Would agree definately, regarding Mark Sanger and George Watkins .... produce fantastic stuff .

Maybe have a look at Benoit Averley, Cindy Drozda, and a chap called Richard Shock who does lovely platters.

There's a lot of very good turners around :)
Pete Osborn is a first class Wood-turner
He demonstrated at Wigan last year
Goes at a nice pace; explains his technique and a pleasure to watch
David Springett, very good demonstrator plus has published books explaining how some of his work is produced
Some absolutely amazing work there - it took a while to work through the web sites, some to my taste and some less so, but that's not the point - i'm amazed at the diversity of work that woodturners do. Mostly I'm struck by the importance of the balance between what the wood is/ wants to do, and what the turner wants to do with it, if that makes sense.
Brilliant - thanks for the contributions.
For me it has to be Nick Agar, his Viking sunset bowls are amazing.
David Springett whose skill and imagination blow your mind.
Richard Raffan who can remove the inside of a hollow form or bowl at a phenomenal speed (I wish I’d had a closer look at the grind on his bowl gouge!) and leave a finish needing minimal sanding.
