Network issue

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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
Router - wifi -> Netgear wi-fi extender ->ethernet cable from this into Humax PVR. OK

New router - wifi -> Netgear wi-fi extender -> ethernet cable from this to Humax PVR (last night). OK

This morning - nada.

So try :

1) power cycle Netgear wi-fi extender and Humax - nada

2) Bring laptop into the same room as the Netgear wi-fi extender and the Humax. Try connecting laptop via wi-fi to Netgear extender wi-fi - OK

which means that the Netgear wi-fi extender is (a) connected to the new router and (b) can transmit wi-fi

3) Try the same ethernet cable (I used to plug into the Humax) from the Netgear wi-fi extender into the laptop. Ensure wi-fi is switched off on laptop. Laptop OK...can access the internet via ethernet.

which means that the ethernet port on the Netgear wi-fi extender is working fine and DHCP does its stuff OK.

4) Plug the ethernet cable back into the Humax - nada.

5) Get another ethernet cable and run it from my network switch directly into the Humax - all OK

which kind of rules out the Humax, ethernet socket and its DHCP stuff surely ?

So WTF ?

Stumped. I hate bloody wi-fi and am kicking myself that I didn't flood wire the house.
I am assuming the issue is internet connectivity rather than wifi. If this is the case it's worth checking the DNS setting in the Humax box. I had something similar to your issue but it was a long time ago now and it turned out it was the DNS settings in the Humax. Also it was right after a router change which was a little odd. Sorry I can't remember the exact details.
porker":344juwx8 said:
I am assuming the issue is internet connectivity rather than wifi. If this is the case it's worth checking the DNS setting in the Humax box. I had something similar to your issue but it was a long time ago now and it turned out it was the DNS settings in the Humax. Also it was right after a router change which was a little odd. Sorry I can't remember the exact details.

I think that the fact the Humax connects fine using an ethernet cable rules out any internet issues. I'm wondering if it is some low-level 'gotcha' low down in the stack that manifests itself when the Humax tries to get its IP address via the Netgear wi-fi extender although why it should work last night OK but not today I have no idea. Unless there was a sneaky s/w update came through to the box overnight.
From the laptop can you ping the Humax when it too is plugged in with a cable?

Log into the router admin page and has it assigned the Humax an IP address?

Dibs-h":cvlz8jea said:
From the laptop can you ping the Humax when it too is plugged in with a cable?

Haven't tried that

Dibs-h":cvlz8jea said:
Log into the router admin page and has it assigned the Humax an IP address?


Yes it has. The Humax is very happy with the internet when using the cable !

As a slight amusing aside, apparently I 'broke' the router by accessing its admin page. It was sent to me recently by my ISP pre-configured. Been having separate connectivity issues, line dropping etc so decided to get one of theirs just to eliminate things. Shortly after setting it all up and checking it was all working I went into the admin page to see what what on offer techie-wise. Which basically sent it TU and reconfigured itself to be one of their 'basic' settings with very limited internet access. Apparently they don't expect their users to enter the router home page !
Rog - just so I get it right:

The crux of the issue is that the router-extender-cable work fine plugged into say a laptop but when the cable is plugged into the Humax - nothing?

Assuming this is right - have you tried setting a static IP in the Humax as opposed to DHCP? You might need to go into the router's admin page and check where the DHCP range starts and then use an IP below that as a static. If the range starts at 2 (last digit) then you may need to alter the DHCP range to start at say 100. Don't worry that still allows upto 155 devices via DHCP. LOL

You've checked the router-extender-cable with a laptop and it works, so something is amiss when plugging in the humax.

Oh - when setting the static IP, don't forget the subnet mask, DNS servers (can use google ones & and the default gateway which will be the router IP, most likely

If unsure, on the laptop - open up a command prompt (search for cmd in the search bar) and type

ipconfig /all

and look for either the wireless adapter (if connected by wifi) or the ethernet one if connected by wire. Doesn't make a difference which one you connect via.


Hi Dibs...many thanks for your help.

Dibs-h":1hmrn9dq said:
Rog - just so I get it right:

The crux of the issue is that the router-extender-cable work fine plugged into say a laptop but when the cable is plugged into the Humax - nothing?

Correct..the Humax won't pick up an IP address

Dibs-h":1hmrn9dq said:
Assuming this is right - have you tried setting a static IP in the Humax as opposed to DHCP? You might need to go into the router's admin page and check where the DHCP range starts and then use an IP below that as a static. If the range starts at 2 (last digit) then you may need to alter the DHCP range to start at say 100. Don't worry that still allows upto 155 devices via DHCP. LOL

You've checked the router-extender-cable with a laptop and it works, so something is amiss when plugging in the humax.

Oh - when setting the static IP, don't forget the subnet mask, DNS servers (can use google ones & and the default gateway which will be the router IP, most likely

I'll give that a whirl tomorrow. I like static IP addresses !

Dibs-h":1hmrn9dq said:
If unsure, on the laptop - open up a command prompt (search for cmd in the search bar) and type

ipconfig /all

and look for either the wireless adapter (if connected by wifi) or the ethernet one if connected by wire. Doesn't make a difference which one you connect via.



That'll be tricky as it's a MacBook :lol:
Ignore that last reply - it will give your netmask in gobbledigook. LOL

Your subnet is 99.99% likely to be (router admin pages will confirm this - in the LAN section where it lists the router's IP address)
DNS server - use the Google ones - &
Default Gateway - that's the ip of the router (most likely to be but best check it. (router admin pages)

That just leaves the static IP to use - but will depend on what your DHCP range is set at. Either use one below it or if the range starts at 2 (last value), move it up to start at 100.

Then to test if the Humax is on the network and behaving, follow instructions at ... c-3524076/

to use Ping and ping the IP address you set for the Humax. Unlimited pings is fine.

Let us know how you get on.


Hi Dibs

Am afraid I gave up trying to set a static IP address using the Netgear wifi extender. There seems to be some weird address translation goes on with virtual MAC addresses or something weird ike that. I did come across an article explaining how to get to the bottom of it and bookmarked it safely. Or thought I did but now can't find it :oops:

I had a couple of TP-Link Powerline adapters and have pressed them into service and all seems good.
Found it..

The wireless device MAC address is translated to another MAC address when the wireless device connects to the extender. To allow the wireless device to connect, you must add the translated MAC address into the router.
To get the translated MAC address:
Disable the MAC filter on your router.
Power on the extender and connect desired wireless devices to the extender.
Make sure that the Link Rate LED remains lit.
Log in to your router and check the connected devices on the Attached Devices screen. Add all MAC addresses including Virtual MAC (begins with 02:0F:B5) into your router’s MAC filter table.
Enable MAC filtering on your router.