Cyclone relief valve placement

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Established Member
23 Mar 2006
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Greater Manchester
Might be a daft quest but thought I'd ask...I've ordered a relief valve for my cyclone does it have to go in the lid or can it go it in the side (of the drum) near the top?

The reason I'm asking, I've got the usual titan vac, cyclone and blue drum setup. Today, I was using the cyclone with a twin motor Camvac as I've left the Titan at work. Running both motors start to collapse the drum straight away, so I put some ply rings inside the drum and it solved the collapsing. I did notice the lid was being slightly sucked down so I was considering the idea of putting a ply on the lid..which would make fitting the valve an issue.
Or should I just drill a hole in the ply so the valve can connect directly to the lid? Or just don't both with the ply.

This is a vid of the valve

I normally just use the Camvac for lathe dust collection but its useful to use a hose reducer and the cyclone for vacuuming the floor without covering the Camvac filters in god knows what.
The relief valve is usually for when the hose is blocked, if your chamber is being squashed under normal use then it’s not strong enough for your intended application, so just strengthening it as you’ve done is probably the best plan
I put mine at the top of the barrel and it works perfectly. The instructions to do that were with the kit.

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