Combination Machines

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:? Any info on the purchase of a small combi would be really appreciated.I have a budget of £3000.Also any info on a bandsaw to suit.

Can you clarify what you mean by a "bandsaw to suit"? Ideas on what capacity you'd be looking for, price range and so forth?

Cheers, Jester
Wondering if you can get a Felder or a Robland for 3000 quid. I wouldn't know, as I don't move in such exalted circles... :cry:
Welcome, Jester, I have only just found this site myself so I'm not sure if I am qualified to say that but there you go, I've done it now :?

Combi machines are a big subject and what you need to decide is what you are going to use it for. The main drawback with them is the changeover time and loss of set-up. If space is the main reason for buying one remember you still need handling room around the machine. This can be a pain if space is tight. Single machines on wheels can take up less room if pushed into a corner when not in use.

What do you want to use the band saw for? I suspect you want to re-saw rough sawn timber with it... am I right?

Woody 8)
The main advantage of buying one is that you get more power and quality for your £ than with individual machines.

For example my Felder 731 Professional combination was 10,000 but the equilavent grade machines in stand alone would be over 16,000. This is a big saving and so you need to justify spending the extra for individual machines in my view.

I did loads of shopping around with an open mind to either combination or individual machines before I purchased and in the end value for money is why I bought a combination. Mind you unless you are a one man shop a combination machine is out of the question.

Once you start using it you will find that you plan ahead more so that you have less dis-manling of setups. This in the long run means that you think more about your work before you start and I find that now I am totally prepared for making the piece before I switch on the machine and I am improving my efficiency by reducing mistakes and wrong measurements etc.

Changing between machines is a doddle and if you are worried about changover time then you must time your day in minutes not half hours.

Take the spindle moulder, the cutter will slide down into the table and so you can use the saw, and with a digital read out you can have it back up in 30 secconds to the exact position it was prior to the table saw usage. Moving fences is just a few secconds also and setting them to the measurement becomes just a double checking type of job after a while. Mind you the spindle fince on the felder is heavy but I have a rolling carriage built for it so I just lift off and leave it on my trolly and roll it to the side of the shop.

I made my decision because of value for money and I felt the supposed changover issues were just an "adjust my way of working" type of thing and for changing a few working habits I saved thousands. ( well I didnt save anything, I just spent my budget and got a better moulder than I had planned and a better planer thicknesser and a better table saw)

As I said I now plan my work by cutting what needs to be cut, planing what needs to be planed, thicknessing what needs to be thicknessed, shaping what needs to be shaped and morticing what needs to be morticed in batches and I find that I save loads of time from running between machines wondering what to do next... it is always very easy to see what I should do next.

Take making a kitchen table for example.

Individual machines you can do it any way you like, cut the 4 legs and shape them , plane them, thickness them. Then look for and get wood for table top and cut, plane and work that. This way I find you spend alot of time planning as you work, going from one machine to another and in the end are exposed to just loosing timw wondering what nest etc or making a mistake, doing the worng measurement somewhere as you don't have the full planning done.

Combination machine, I find all wood for table, decide what piece to use for what and mark them. Longer prep time here. Then I go to the machine and in no time I will be finished with the saw, and move onto the planer, then soon finished that and move onto the thicknesser. Soon finished that and I move on to the spindle moulder. I find that in no time I have the wood taken from rough lumber to sized and planed pieces and ready for assembley and sanding with less scope for error as all planning has being done up front.

This is my way of working and I find that I am suited to a combination machine.... other people with diferent habits may not be suited to it like me, so it is an individual thing. I have one high quality machine in the workshop and I love using it all the time so I thing the combination machine is great.

PS: I don't think you will get a combination machine for less that a few thousand, the Hammer line felder do is good and you will find it on their website, find a dealer near you from that site also.

( long post I know, lunch is over so its back to the workshop for me)

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