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  1. contadino

    Help! Bees nest.

    Bees (bumble or honey) can all sting. However, they're pretty predictable in their behaviour so you can avoid stings very easily if you treat them right. 1. Don't disturb a nest. I see other beekeepers tending their hives without protective clothing and really don't know how they do it. I...
  2. contadino

    Open letter to Axminster Despatch

    :lol: Sometime in the next few weeks I'm supposed to be heading for Stoke on a week-long trip. It's the first time in many, many years. The craving for English fish & chips has become overwhelming. :wink:
  3. contadino

    Open letter to Axminster Despatch

    I have quite a long list of things to get from Axminster, and being outside the UK I have the option to either get them delivered to a friend and picking them up from him or just visiting one of their shops. I've opted to make a small detour and pop into their High Wycombe branch. It's so much...
  4. contadino

    Doesn't That Sound Nice

    I couldn't get into town for nearly a month this winter due to flooding. It was the wettest in living memory, apparently. We've finally had a couple of weeks of sunshine, and now I'm sitting here crossing my fingers hoping for rain... No, we're never happy... :?
  5. contadino

    Router Table Ideas

    The thing that's confusing me about a router table is setting the depth. I have a Bosch POF 1200 AE which doesn't have a screw-type depth adjustment thing. I've looked at things like the Router Raizer, but it's not compatible with my router. I've read about sticking a car jack under the...
  6. contadino

    How to stop my tools getting rusty

    I give mine a wipe with olive oil after I've used them, otherwise the humidity here rusts them up in no time. Also, for garden tools like forks and spades, I have a bucket filled with sand and old engine oil. Before I put the tools away each day, I shove them in the bucket. It cleans them up...
  7. contadino

    Power tools

    As an utter novice I'd agree with this statement 100%. ALL the mistakes I've made have been due to bad measuring or inaccurate marking.
  8. contadino


    I got my plans from . It's a downloadable PDF. There are also quite a few in the Google Sketchup gallery - both Top Bar and the modern types.
  9. contadino

    Top Bar Beehive

    This type of hive is less geared towards the production of honey, and more towards letting the bees make their combs the way that they think is best. My goal is to not feed them at all and still have a healthy colony in 12 months time. If I get no honey this year it won't be an issue for me...
  10. contadino

    Looking for window inspiration...

    Hi, My next project is to make some horizontal sliding windows to close in our verandah in winter, and also to make a matching half-glazed door. I've been looking around for information on how to do it and have drawn (not quite, but very close to a) blank. Any recommendations most welcome. I...
  11. contadino

    Top Bar Beehive

    I recently completed a top bar beehive using the plans available from the Biobees website. It was a pretty simple project and if you want, you can see it in the blog entry my wife wrote up about the bees arriving. It has provided me with...
  12. contadino

    anyone backpacked in italy recently...?

    In August, you'll need to book as it's ferragosto - the national holiday period - between 15th and 25th. Nowadays, people get a little flexibility in some jobs, so it'll likely be busy either side for a couple of weeks. If you've never camped in Italy before, bear in mind that camping is very...
  13. contadino

    Any Gardeners about? What do I plant in this? (with pics)

    For that sort of gradient, you'll need netting to start with. Things like lemongrass will bind & hold the soil together but need to get established first.
  14. contadino

    Victorian farm.

    The deeds to my place has the land listed as "12.2 days" because until only about 10 years ago, that's how land was measured here.
  15. contadino

    Router guide bushing...

    I just got an email back from Axminster and their brush will fit my router model, so I'm going to give it a go. A 0.5mm error wouldn't really worry me at the moment - far better than my chisel work. If it really is not much cop, I'll go for a Unibase. Thanks for the help everyone.
  16. contadino

    Router guide bushing...

    Thanks. It's an option, but if I can get hold of the proper collar, I think it would be better as putting another plate on will surely reduce my plunge depth. I'll keep looking, but bear that in mind. Edit: Oooh! It looks like I may have found one - on the Axminster site. Dunno how I...
  17. contadino

    Router guide bushing...

    Hi, I have a Bosch POF 1100 AE plunge router, and the manual says that the guide bushing is a separate accessory. However, nobody around here has ever seen them and I'm struggling to locate one. I think they're more commonly known as collars, and in the Bosch online spare parts catalogue it's...
  18. contadino

    can you tell me

    Is 26th St Stephen's Day in America?
  19. contadino

    Hello. Joined at last.

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking on this forum for ages and thought it was high time that I joined. As a completely unskilled amateur I'd like to express my thanks for all the useful information I've already picked up from past posts and ask that you don't get too upset at the stupid questions...