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  1. T

    Bandsaw refurbishment - advice needed!

    well I fixed the saw, just needed a new bolt put on and the sum total of £1, I put the blade on anyway not expecting much and have been amazed at how well it cuts, I tried it on some tulip almost 2 inch thick was like a hot knife through butter well impressed.
  2. T

    Bandsaw refurbishment - advice needed!

    Thanks for the info I should have asked first
  3. T

    Bandsaw refurbishment - advice needed!

    looks like I wasted £14 then newbies eh the one that broke was very thin about 6 tpi but left and even cut, probably the way I set it up I am a complete novice on these machines. I got it at an auction at a carving club in newstead village a while ago its been great but not had a lot of use.
  4. T

    Bandsaw refurbishment - advice needed!

    Success plastic handle was letting the nut spin although as suspected the long bolt has had it got my hopes up and found an almost identical one same thread problem is I had cut an inch off it for some reason grrrr still just need to get a bolt now.Mostly soft wood, sapela (not sure of spelling...
  5. T

    Bandsaw refurbishment - advice needed!

    thanks Steve Ive unwound and unwound just spinning and not moving but if thats how it comes a part I will work on that area, I have just bought a a 5/8 blade hope its not too much for it 82 1/2 5/8 10 tpi
  6. T

    Duplicarver Help

    so sorry guys been hectic Jim carver was sold sorry I didnt get your message. Good luck in finding one. you could try a guy in Somerset area he does them every now and then very knowledgeable I will PM you his email address. cheers D
  7. T

    Bandsaw refurbishment - advice needed!

    Hi Guys I know this thread is a couple of years old but I have a problem with the adjuster on the top of the machine, I believe its a Elu 3401 not sure how you tell :) I think the previous owner put the wrong size blade on it as the last blade snapped and the adjuster will loosen but not tighten...
  8. T

    Duplicarver Help

    Is anyone looking for a Dupli carver? as I now have 2 of them dont ask me how lol just testing the waters.
  9. T

    Scrolling again

    well worth making one, started a second one in pine this time a lot faster sanding is a breeze :)
  10. T

    Dremel bits

    Hi Jamie the best ones I have found are the saburr tooth web site incredible cutting very clean but watch your fingers as they like to run them over ( you will only do it once) but it removes wood like you wouldn't believe.
  11. T

    Scrolling again

    still in progress it didn't take to long to cut its made from ash so the blade did have a little wander at certain points its made from 2 pieces of ash 5" by 6" by 2" there's literally a how to on YouTube, but sanding takes hours... :shock: :cry:
  12. T

    Scrolling again

    look on youtube scroll shells but be warned thats why I bought the saw :) very addictive, the basic idea is the same as making a scroll saw bowl
  13. T

    Scrolling again

    Had to try and make one of these not finished yet but am amazed how little wood this uses
  14. T

    My first scoll/fret with my new Hegner

    Hi Pete yes its all made on the scroll saw no lathe work at all, its is a lovely piece of wood rescued from the log burner. Got to agree with you Brian its a quality tool and less annoying to release the blade than I thought it would be maybe as I get quicker it will be a problem so far though...
  15. T

    My first scoll/fret with my new Hegner

    thanks Sam I do have a knack for picking things up quickly I had a go at some sculpture as well recently once again my first attempt. made from Bronze mounted on a piece of the same cherry.
  16. T

    My first scoll/fret with my new Hegner

    lol thanks, yes its a Dark Pumpkin :)
  17. T

    My first scoll/fret with my new Hegner

    Thanks Gilljc its a lovelly piece of cherry wish I had some more :)
  18. T

    My first scoll/fret with my new Hegner

    this is my first attempt at scrolling not perfect but I learnt an awful lot.
  19. T

    Best woods for scrolling?

    cheers guys, Nice work! I like the oak faced face Ply.
  20. T

    Best woods for scrolling?

    Hi guys what are your suggestions for wood types please.