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  1. U

    Hegner parts - QR clamp

    Gents, could one of you point me towards the UK supplier of Hegner parts please? The website isn’t being recognised. The inner swivelling bit on my QR clamp has broken, part number HQK-03. I’m hoping it’s available in the UK without the eye watering need to buy a complete new...
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    Carving forum - where?

    I had my first go at (relief) carving a couple of weeks ago. Not particularly successful and much harder than I expected it to be, on the positive side no blood was split, at least not by me. ukworkshop doesn’t seem to support this dark art and I am blowed if I can find a forum similar to this...
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    Threads gone AWOL.

    I’m only seeing 9 sub-threads (I’m sure there’s a correct word and this isn’t it) instead of possibly double that number. For instance the Lathes and the Scroll Saw threads are currently missing. What am I doing wrong? Edit: I’ve discovered what’s happened, they're on a different parade...
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    Knife making Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. No background music just the sound of metal on metal with a bit of woodwork thrown in.
  5. U

    Dehumidifier recommendation please

    Apologies for what must be an annual question, I tried using the search facility but all that tells me is, 'Linked CSEs no longer supported.' Quite what my paltry handful of CSEs gained 40+ years ago has to do with anything is beyond me. I’m after a portable dehumidifier for the shed. Wooden...
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    Nice bit of tool porn

    A very welcome mail shot from Axminster dropped through the letter box in the last few days full of stuff I didn’t know I needed and SHMBO wanting me to pick something for Christmas. Being only 32 pages it is a long way away from their much missed paper catalogue but could this be a taster of...
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    What wood and where?

    Gents Permission to come on board? I have been a long term reader of these forums (fori?) although I don’t think I have ever contributed (it’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool rather than opening one’s mouth and removing all doubt) until today. It is now high time I poked my...