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  1. J

    Another Calderdale newbie

    Thanks everyone :)
  2. J

    Another Calderdale newbie

  3. J

    Sold Workshop clearout - LS29 post code

    Sounds great - will jump to DM.
  4. J

    Badgering in Newcastle

    Fantastic looking set up!
  5. J

    Another Calderdale newbie

    When looking for the photos of the skirting I also found a photo of the surround and step I made for the front door. It was originally just a metal bar and cracked tiles. Used the leftover wood to create a step in the kitchen (was previously just a rough concrete edge). Again these things are...
  6. J

    Another Calderdale newbie

    Hi all, I’ve been reading this thread for a while now. Bought a house last year and finally have my own garage, so far haven’t built a huge amount but my house is rather old so need to learn quickly! recently bought an old mower which I want to tidy up. One of the first things I did was Build...
  7. J

    Sold Workshop clearout - LS29 post code

    I would be interested in the three items and could collect tomorrow if still available?