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  1. J

    First & Last order from Axminster, they can thank DPD.

    Shame DPD aren't up to par over there, they are bloody brilliant in the UK. I order a lot of bits and bobs and DPD are miles ahead of any other courier here, hopefully you won't have to experience Amazon logistics in Finland =)
  2. J

    Shutting the door once the horse has bolted... security tips

    When I used to work as a commercial Underwriter, we had a KTM motorbike dealer on the books that was based out on an industrial estate in the sticks. After I think four or five break in's over 18 months a Smoke Cloak was the thing that finally prevented further losses. They had physical...
  3. J

    Advice on oil drum BBQ

    Not shiney at all, a pleasant matt black effect very similar to a wood stove etc. One can will just about do a half drum with several light coats but I usually buy two, give it a few extra coats as let the customer have the rest to touch it up if needed. Forgot to add, if you make a grate for...
  4. J

    multi-options mini sawmill plans

    What stops the weight of the cut piece pressing down on the blade of either design as you progress along ? Isn't that the reason most saw mill blades are vertical rather than horizontal ? All that will happen is that the blade binds up as you progress, potentialy snapping it and injuring the...
  5. J

    Advice on oil drum BBQ

    Bit late to the party but I build half drum bbqs for pubs every now and then :) After cutting the drum in half, have a good fire in it. This will get most of the paint loose. After that use one of these (sorry can't post links, look on screwfix for non woven preparation wheel) These will...