Recent content by elsmandino

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  1. E

    Buying advice - multitool, random orbital sander and router

    Hi there. I have recently got into woodworking and could really do with the following tools to help with my current DIY projects: * Multitool * Random Orbital Sander * Router As an amateur, I do not need to buy anything absolutely top end but would like to avoid buying anything so cheap that...
  2. E

    Circular saw blade advice.

    Bit of an update - the bore size on my saw is 20mm. Bought a 60-tooth blade from Screwfix and was pretty impressed with the quality of the cut.
  3. E

    Circular saw blade advice.

    Thanks for that. I have just stumbled across something rather peculiar: Screwfix have the saw down as having a 22.23mm saw bore: ... _container whereas BandQ have it down as 20mm ... 075_BQ.prd as far as I can...
  4. E

    Circular saw blade advice.

    Exclusively wood. I have a new kitchen tabletop that I would like to cut to size, plus I need to replace some of the supporting frame. I also need to cut some wood to size to replace parts for a side gates.
  5. E

    Circular saw blade advice.

    Hello, I recently bought a Mac Allister plunge saw and note that it comes with a 165mm 24-tooth TCT blade. I have yet to use the thing but thought I would do a bit of research first, before using it. I am glad I did, now, as I am not convinced that the blade that came with the saw is the...
  6. E

    Edited - Which track saw (rather than which circular saw)?

    Thank you. I think I am going to go for the Erbauer, then. I do not need one for at least a couple of weeks, so I will keep an eye out, just in case there are any Screwfix deals out that pop up. Edit - or is it perhaps worth snapping up one of these, whilst they are on offer...
  7. E

    Edited - Which track saw (rather than which circular saw)?

    Thank you for the further comments. Peter - I would just say what an amazing set of videos that you have created. Extremely informative, yet easy enough to understand for complete beginners as myself. I feel so much more prepared now. One particularly important thing I picked up (I hope I...
  8. E

    Building my own driveway gate.

    Thanks Nev - it is encouraging that you definitely think that it is possible. I shall see if I can source some 4x4 inch 9 foot metal fence posts. One quick other thing, that I should have originally mentioned - we are planning to have an extension put on the side of our house (within...
  9. E

    Building my own driveway gate.

    Hello, My driveway is completely open at the moment and I need to put up a gate for security/privacy reasons. The driveway is 3.4 metres wide and the gate shall have to be 2 metres tall to match my neighbour's fence. I was originally going to build everything from wood but have decided that...
  10. E

    Edited - Which track saw (rather than which circular saw)?

    I have bought Titan products in the past and have found them to be more than acceptable for non-professional use. I had a look on Screwfix's website and they don't seem to sell them anymore, which I find really odd.
  11. E

    Edited - Which track saw (rather than which circular saw)?

    Thank you. It seems to be absolutely unanimous that track saws are superior. I am so glad I stumbled across this great forum now - you guys have saved me from an otherwise major mistake. I do occasionally shop in LIDL and had no idea that they have repeated deliveries on these sorts of items...
  12. E

    Edited - Which track saw (rather than which circular saw)?

    Thank you - I shall definitely have a look at those videos. The LIDL tracksaws look amazing for the price - was that a one off thing or can they still be bought?
  13. E

    Edited - Which track saw (rather than which circular saw)?

    Thank you - I assumed that the circular saw/home-jig route was more hassle but ultimately ended up with the same results. If the track saw gives superior results, I shall definitely go for one of those. They are pretty pricey - can you recommend any model, in particular, that would do for a...
  14. E

    Edited - Which track saw (rather than which circular saw)?

    Thank you Trevanion. It is funny that you mention track saws - I had never heard of them, until relatively recently, and they do look very simple to use. During my research on them, I stumbled across a few sites that suggested that they were unnecessarily expensive, given that you can easily...
  15. E

    Edited - Which track saw (rather than which circular saw)?

    Hello. I would be really grateful for some advice. I am a complete novice to woodwork but would like to start doing a few jobs around the house and am looking for a circular saw - I currently only own a handsaw and jigsaw. What I really need is something that can be used for accurately taking...