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  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to deema's post in the thread A little truth for a change. with Like Like.
    I personally like the graph showing the rate of increase in the consumption of frozen peas and that of divorce rate. The correlation is...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 replied to the thread A little truth for a change..
    Largely my sentiments also. Is it about doing the best for the planet, or the best for ourselves ? We certainly have an inflated view of...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Helping out a family member with Like Like.
    I’ve pretty much told myself that I’m not doing it and I’ve discussed it with my friend today and we both agree that it’s not going to...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to Nick.'s post in the thread It was 20 years ago today ! with Like Like.
    Sergeant Pepper may very well have told the band to play, But it was also when I joined this lovely forum. (OK technically I've got 5...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 replied to the thread Helping out a family member.
    Seriously, just say no. It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that. You're digging yourself into a hole with this.
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to Stan's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Haha Haha.
    One of my first cars was a Skoda Estelle. It was a heap of **** and had negative street credibility. BUT, it was given to me for free (...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
    Rolls Royce Silver Mist ;) 😂
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to RobinBHM's post in the thread Need to escape/reset with Like Like.
    I just wanted to say, it never fails to amaze me how woodworking attracts such a vast range of people, from all walks of life, from all...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to Crazy Dave's post in the thread Helping out a family member with Like Like.
    Putting it simply, FWIW. I won't do jobs for family and family don't do jobs for me because we value the relationship.
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 replied to the thread Helping out a family member.
    I do think @Bingy man that some jobs are not worth taking on. So many red flags there and quite unreasonable demands. This one sounds...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to Jameshow's post in the thread Helping out a family member with Like Like.
    If it's family you trust respect and love do it for free with there help. If that isn't the case run away. I did a kitchen with my bil...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to HOJ's post in the thread Helping out a family member with Love Love.
    @Bingy man You have, to me, already argued yourself out of this job, walk away, I guarantee it will only end badly, says he, having...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Need to escape/reset with Like Like.
    This is so true and cause for many a family fall out .I’m being told they want to spend as little as possible but want the most...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to Nick.'s post in the thread Need to escape/reset with Like Like.
    @Stigmorgan I don't really have any specific advice to add but just to wish you all the best mate - feeling down for whatever reason is...
  • Daniel2
    Daniel2 reacted to SimonStevensCanes's post in the thread Need to escape/reset with Like Like.
    Just wanted to mention Andy's Man Club, which (terrible name aside) is a great charity that meets on Monday evenings for men to share...