Flicker Lazrus13's Photostream


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Established Member
12 Feb 2014
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Has anybody else looked at this company's range of handplanes? I assume this is an American co., but haven't been able to find out much more about them.
The range of planes is wide and appears very well engineered, if a bit at the heavy duty civil engineering end of the spectrum. Some very interesting ideas, some a little on the edge, and some very elegant.

Definitely food for thought.

Anyone tried one/owns one?

Any chance of a link my search came up with nothing.

I'll try and make the link, but the title to this is what came up when I accessed via another site. Try that but I'll try to sort a direct contact later today.
The "Flicker..." gives access to many photos of a wide variety of planes, suggesting a busy maker, but I have not heard of Lazarus being mentioned in other discussions of high end planes.
As I said, some look elegant and some very left field.

This is the address in full. I cannot remember which site I originally accessed this site, but as you probably know Flickr is website for posting photographs. For some reason, the address below is not highlighting as a direst access.


Hope this works one way or another.

Now this seems to work!
Now found a website:-


Louisville, Kentucky but very little information. There are more interesting photos. Look at the squirrel tail!
Clearly has considerable access to large pieces of brass.
Thanks Mike.

I do use Flickr but I couldn't find any thing using the search.


If you click on the link on my first reply of 30th January, that should take you direct to the Lazarus 13 section.
The Lazarus handplane link also give you an indication of the wide number of variations which the Company has made.

Tried both links from here a few moments ago, and both worked.

I'll try one more time to raise interest in this plane maker, as I pitched upon a review of 2 planes at:-


which has a very personal take, but the prices for the planes are c. $600, which for a hand made plane is not in the S&S or Holtey league, by some distance. ZK seems pretty happy with the performance.

This site will take you to the Lazarus site, but :-


is the site for the maker. It gives very little, if any, information on the construction or ideas behind the planes but there are an amazing number of photographs of different planes.

It's worth scrolling down through the pictures, but the bevel up no.60, infill smoother no.48, and the carriage plane were of particular interest to me. There is also a close up of the integrated blade/chip breaker/adjuster which looks interesting but could do with some explanation because there is a Norris type adjuster, presumably for the depth adjustment, and a lateral screw which I assume deals with the sideways adjustment.

Hope someone else finds these sites worth a look. Any thoughts?

Sure they're stunning to look at and i'll bet they work a treat.
There's no denying the work and craftsmanship going into them but they're really not my cup of tea.
Little too much Art (note the cap A) for my taste. I've grown accostomed to British tool minimalism.

Introducing the word "Art" is a very dangerous thing, BB. Many of our old tools, particularly planes have a wide variety of scrolls and decoration which have very little effect on the useability. Think the scrolls on the sideplates of any number of old infill planes or the ploughs and side fillisters which can attract some very exotic prices at auctions. Many of our older saws have handles with various loops, scrolls etc. which have no effect on the saws cutting, but generally look a damn sight more attractive than some of the S&J saw handles of the 70s and 80s, or the plastic handles now standard on Western hard points.
Saw for saw, I would rather use something that looks right than something that doesn't. It's just that much of this decoration is accepted as normal or an indication of a better quality.
The reason I posted the Lazarus connection was that I had never before heard of them or seen them mentioned in any discussion of high end, hand made planes. I think some of the designs are eccentric and it's difficult to understand why they have been made like that without any comment from the maker. Some however to my eye, are elegant with some interesting ideas.
Generally I support efforts to move forward design into the 21st century, rather than slavishly follow old designs, hence I think Veritas's tools are to be encouraged. but if you look at anything, be it architecture, furniture, art, engineering, bridge building, can produce some very odd examples as well as works of rare brilliance. The bridges of Santiago Calatreva are, in my view, a case in point.
At the end of the day, beauty is a very personal view, in the eye of the beholder, but I do think that that these planes have some interesting construction methods, not necessarily unique, but worth consideration, particularly given the price range mentioned in the ZK site.