Tax cuts anybody - here we go again!

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Established Member
26 Dec 2020
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Rugby Uk
Cutting from the Times

Phoned 111 this morning (sorry yesterday) 8am. My wife was ill, ulcers in her mouth, painful swelling in her neck. Given a walk in appointment at 8pm in what used to be our local casualty. Seen promptly told she needs to be in casualty blood pressure at a dangerous level "we would send you blue lights but so many ambulances held at Coventry it will take hours" Drove to Coventry, 6 hour weight in packed Casualty department. "It may be measles" put in isolation. Not measles, given chest X-Ray, sent home about 04:30 as pressure now OK.

Fortunately my wife now seems OK.

Think before excepting a tax bribe to buy you votes (from any party), think about the highly over worked staff in our hospitals, think about the people who are not OK, who don't have someone to drive them, think who actually benefits when they cut tax, if you rely on the NHS not Bupa, if you rely on state schools, if your job depends in investment in British infrastructure then it's not you.