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  1. F

    Joke Thread 4

  2. F

    kitchen build by the new yorkshire workshop

    he did indeed build the CNC machine, here is the shortened version of the build
  3. F

    kitchen build by the new yorkshire workshop

    I love his videos thanks to the "just working noises and silly captions"
  4. F

    Joke Thread 4

    Lying in bed, about ready to consummate their marriage, when the new bride says to her husband Johnny: “I have a confession to make, I'm not a virgin." Johnny replies. "That's no big thing in this day and age." The wife continues. "Yeah, I've been with one other guy." “Oh yeah? Who was the...
  5. F

    Joke Thread 4

    if only.......
  6. F

    Specialist exhibition!

    You would think they could include solder as well!!!.......... 9
  7. F

    Does being right or lft-handed determine which way round a room you go when painting ?

    Never thought about it before, but as I am right handed I would go clockwise.
  8. F

    Anyone got one of these? wiring issue, help appreciated.

    You could try asking the makers for a wiring diagram. or does this help assuming it's not what you have already found online...
  9. F

    Removing a wash hand basin

    Dental floss can be used to cut through silicone.
  10. F

    Building the new workshop ... may have light at the end of the tunnel!

    before you get to far ahead and start pouring concrete think about if you want any ducting into the building itself or across the floor into the pit for power/air etc
  11. F

    Power washer service

    Presumably to wash out all the bits of metal than have been ground off the insides of the engine............
  12. F

    Mystery thing

    Isn't that what a kitchen drawer is for.....
  13. F

    todays car boot find

    well it would have been unkind to not give it a new home for £1 I do wish I could find one with a straight claw though.
  14. F

    Mystery thing

    Well there could be 9 other drivers out there thinking " how the hell do I get this bl**dy radio out?"
  15. F

    Building the new workshop ... may have light at the end of the tunnel!

    Keep up the progress reports as we all love a good workshop build story here.
  16. F

    Multitool advice

    I too have a Fein and also a Ryobi cordless. Guess which one gets used the most? I lost the fein holding screw/bolt and really must get another genuine one as the one I now use comes loose!
  17. F

    Phillips / Posidriv Screwdrivers

    For years I have used 1/4in hex bits in a suitable handle/holder then if the tip gets chewed up you don't have to throw away the whole screwdriver. And if the screws you are using ar really small then you can use just the bit on its own to start them.
  18. F

    How is lane filtering on a motorbike allowed and/or safe?

    It makes me laugh! when cyclists zoom between lines of slow traffic with about 6ins of clearance either side but now we are told we must give them 5ft if we pass them!! surely if we have to give 5ft then they should have to give us 5ft clearance as well