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  1. Terrytpot


    You’re not too far from a local Charnwood/Laguna distributor either..they’ve got a shop/showroom in Coalville
  2. Terrytpot

    How would you cut game counters from dowels?

    Surprised it took this far into the thread before being mentioned… cutting round stock with a bandsaw will soon check your sphincter pucker out if you don’t have a very firm grip on it and there are some quite impressive videos proving it by folks in utube land. If I had a similar requirement I...
  3. Terrytpot


    Bitwarden is the one I use although annoyingly the facial recognition only works on my iPad but not my iPhone…
  4. Terrytpot

    Cars that make you smile

    After a string of nondescript junk that I would imagine is fairly standard for young drivers when they start out I finally got my first qualityish car..a Volvo V50 that I always refer back to , as at the end of a long day working , it was the first (and pretty much only car so far) that I always...
  5. Terrytpot

    Table saw views….

    I too have a Laguna F3 but fail to see what the big issue is about getting a 16amp outlet installed.. I didn’t have one either but an mcb , a socket and an electrician to install them shouldn’t cost you much over a £100, at least they didn’t in my case.
  6. Terrytpot

    Recommended size for new workshop

    Having started off with a modern ridiculously small single car garage I’ve elevated myself to a property with a decent sized double (6m x 6m) but even that feels cramped when you start thinking about infeed/out feed and somewhere to put all the stuff you aren’t currently using. My stuff includes...
  7. Terrytpot

    So it happened.........what next

    Lost my 20+years job a few years ago in quite a traumatic way so can sympathise with how your feeling now but I eventually got round to treating it as an opportunity and am now in a much happier and healthier place than I was before losing said job. After 3 years of getting back on my feet...
  8. Terrytpot

    Workshop spring clean

    My pooch’s aren’t allowed in as they always end up running off up the garden with a mouthful of something I’d rather they hadn’t..
  9. Terrytpot

    Oscillating Sanding Machines, Belt and Bobbin Type Any Good?

    Just had my mind blown…what this young man is capable of is why his country has such a good reputation for engineering. Apologies for the duration but it’s not like I’m making you watch it…
  10. Terrytpot

    Workshop side door

    Surprised at how cheap they can be I opted for a high security steel door from these guys:
  11. Terrytpot

    Rust Remover--'Jenolite'

    Only use I ever had for Jeno-lite was an unsanctioned method of rapidly removing the carbon deposits on an SLR gas plug followed by a quick wipe with some scotchbrite coated in oil…ssh
  12. Terrytpot

    Best and least messy way to remove surface rust from tools

    My father used to have a business selling furniture he would pick up at auctions and “refresh” before trying to make a profit by selling it in his shop. Quite often there were metal parts (hinges,handles etc) that had seen better times and his favoured method of rejuvenation was for the...
  13. Terrytpot

    Does being right or lft-handed determine which way round a room you go when painting ?

    As the wife actually likes painting I don’t get a look in at the task at all and that’s the way it’s staying so stop rocking the boat damn you!
  14. Terrytpot

    Stanley Compressor

    Like Peter I too had something similar to the Stanley that I think I may have gotten from Screwfix many years ago that I endured for far too long as the noise emitted was quite detrimental to matrimonial life let alone the irritation it provided to anyone unfortunate enough to share a similar...
  15. Terrytpot

    Are EV's good value? Apparently not!

    “now that we do have all of those safety features it’s used as an excuse to penalise you as the vehicle will be more expensive to repair in the accident that it’s less likely to be involved in!” Before anyone else shoots this bit down, I appreciate that the supply chain for ev’s isn’t as...
  16. Terrytpot

    Are EV's good value? Apparently not!

    I am so glad I did my own research and cost analysis of ownership of an ev instead of relying on the diatribe posted in here and within the general media. Apparently my car will cost far too much, will depreciate insanely, will be the cause of opening up another hole in the ozone layer and will...
  17. Terrytpot

    Table Saw w/ability to take a dado stack.

    Had my F3 for a few years now and managed to scoop up a dado set plus a really scary moulding block for it from a member on here a while ago. Mines the pre dro model. Have yet to use the dado in anger other than making a bunch of zero clearance table inserts and trying some calibration runs to...
  18. Terrytpot

    Nature of the game WARNING this post contains graphic images of a hand injury

    Can’t begin to imagine how much that must’ve hurt and probably still does…hope the recovery is swift as can be and it doesn’t impact too much on his snooker game/violin playing.
  19. Terrytpot

    My wife's died. Well, according to Inland Revenue....

    Fat chance…when my pop shuffled off the ir tried to spanner my mom every year for his tax for 3 years on the trot!
  20. Terrytpot

    chopsticks, toothpicks & skewers - uses

    We keep all the tubs our Chinese take away stuff comes in so they’re always my first port of call for that with the added bonus of having a lid too.