Recent content by Richard_C

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  1. R


    "Once upon a time" I knew all this stuff, but memory has faded. I do remember where to look to find it though. Also "Once upon a time" we had the pension advisiory service, TPAS, but that was combined into the Money and Pension Advisory Service, MAPS which is wholly independent and government...
  2. R

    UV resin

    Remember Icarus. Get your gliders above the clouds.
  3. R

    Clinometer - questions about device

    Unless you are after a proper surveying instrument the free "bubble level" android app acts as both a spirit level and a clinometer. Good enough for things like tree heights.
  4. R

    Strange website displays...

    Advice above is sound and the best first step. Next and if that doesn't help, which browser? If you are still using Internet Explorer the predecessor to Edge yiu might find some sites don't work nicely. I would try Edge and Chrome.
  5. R

    Replacing large window with Wall and smaller window

    As its a window you will need a FENSA approved fitter or pay for a building control sign-off. A former shop, so it might be close to pavement or road, - as well as insulation you need to think about noise and privacy from passers by, perhaps traffic fumes if its busy. May be a simple job...
  6. R

    Memorial cross

    Just thinking aloud, is this to be indoors or outdoors, and does that influence the design? I'm thinking of water ingress and expansion/ contraction if it is in the rain heat and frost.
  7. R

    Window Frame Glass Surround Advice

    I'm old, so I would use putty because I always have. There may be more modern products, someone else may have a better idea. (There is a particular and serene satisfaction in working putty in your hand and applying a good bead)
  8. R

    Any comedy cartoon makers on here?

    Of passing interest. Verdi il trovatore and Wagner Das Rheingold both use anvils in a chorus. I think 4 for the Wagner, but 50 would sound magnificent. Some orchestras cheat and use various tubes to get the sound, but some still use real anvils played with hammers.
  9. R

    Car tax / road fund licence

    If I recall, you can drive it to an MOT testing station as long as you have an appointment. DVLA website will tell you all you need. Make sure you get the proper. gov. uk one, it's rarely top of the list if you Google DVLA. Lots of pretend versions out there.
  10. R

    Trying to identify small stone carvings

    You could try the V&A website, click on collections, pick a category, click the with photos filter and spend happy hours lookin through their thousands of catalogued pictures. Good for all kinds of things including furniture.
  11. R

    UV resin

    Of passing interest. I was filling the car at a Tesco today and idly looking at the unnecessary-stuff-and-things adverts on top of the pump. One item on offer was a 6x led UV torch for £3.99.
  12. R


    There is a free phone app, golden ratio calculator, no need to buy anything. Or just work it out yourself, or do an excel, Google sheets, ios numbers calculator. Simple sums.
  13. R

    UV resin

    Daylight, not through glass which can filter out some uv, will work, albeit more slowly than a proper lamp. But as a try out without buying any new kit it's OK, especially for things that are easy to carry outside the workshop. ( Most weather apps include a uv forecast.)
  14. R

    Another rat thread

    Get a cardboard box. Cut a hole in the side. Write on it "do not move, rat trap underneath". Put it just inside your garage. Tell your neighbour. Do nothing else.
  15. R

    Getting a water supply for a no-commercial studio-workshop.

    As above, I would be tempted to go for water collecton with butts and so on for some uses, and take a 10l camping jerrytcan thingy of tap water for human consumption. You could even get a pump or foortpump in the style of camper vans - our old vw had a water container in a cupboard unit and a...