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  1. R


    Every credible opinion poll since the vote has had a majority wishing it hadn't happened. Closer links and easier trading will be welcomed by the VAST majority in the UK.
  2. R


    Not entirely. Much of Britain's past success has been due to having the raw materials needed for the technology of the day; Timber in Tudor times, Iron, Copper, Tin and coal for the industrial revolution. Now we don't have that proliferation of resources, we've used them all up. What's been...
  3. R


    I think there was a lot of complacency that people wouldn't be daft enough to vote to leave and the opinion polls indicated that. Less worldly youth can be naïve and trusting until they experience just how wrong polls can be. What wasn't clear was the amount of misinformation and lies being...
  4. R


    This was the absolute farce of the brexit campaign that so many failed to see. There was no 'manifesto' just a slogan from a bunch of people who had no ability to push through any sort of policy. They could, and did, make the most ridiculous claims and promises without any duty or ability to...
  5. R

    Buying from Europe

    Similarly, UK businesses now find it harder to trade to/in the EU. Four companies I've worked for now won't quote for EU work because the bureaucracy adds too much to the overheads to make it profitable. One will only work in the EU IF it's an existing UK client they can't afford to loose.
  6. R

    Double fail for Amazon

    I've never had problems with IT kit from Amazon, but other returns have always gone smoothly. On balance I'd say I'm in profit, as some Amazon marketplace sellers will refund without expecting goods to be returned. The only difficulty can be if you're buying from a part of Amazon offshore...
  7. R

    Buying from Europe

    No they're not. They're elected for 5 year terms just like our MPs.
  8. R


    A global pandemic had been the top of lists of threats to the UK for decades before. Previous governments had kept stockpiles of emergency items to deal with it, but the tories austerity meant that preparedness had been dropped and many stocks used up and never replaced. Look up the Cygnus...
  9. R


    That had a LOT to do with the huge economic crash in 2008 which started in the USA and polluted most financial systems around the world. Little to do with Labour. Not much to do with coalitions per se, more that the Lib Dems promises to change the polling system and cancel student debt failed.
  10. R

    Buying from Europe

    That's a common and perfect example of people who have been misinformed and have so little understanding of how the EU works and what it does, they believe the nonsense pushed at them. Did they not understand what voting for an MEP was all about for so many years ?
  11. R

    Buying from Europe

    It was one of the great misunderstanding that we were "ruled by Brussels". The reality was very different, almost the opposite, and by being one of the 'Big Three' in the EU, we had huge influence over how the rest of the EU was "ruled". All now lost.
  12. R

    Buying from Europe

    That's not possible and never was. A fallacy that politicians should have known and that anyone still peddles this nonsense demonstrates they don't understand what the EU is and how it works.
  13. R

    Buying from Europe

    They were deselected and kicked out because they wanted a reasonable deal, not brexit at any price. Only the compliant were allowed to be put up for selection.
  14. R

    Buying from Europe

    It's pretty well documented now; in two words misinformation and ignorance. Neither major party is prepared to admit it was wrong and is being carried out in the worst possible way, so no offer to resolve it. If your MP is currently a tory it would be a waste time as all the reasonable tories...
  15. R


    Indeed. It was disgraceful to let Sunak talk over Starmer so often with no opportunity for redress. Starmer seemed to be the one respecting the structure of the debate and expecting to be allowed to answer accusations, as he would in a court, but that wasn't too be. I hope he'll be less...