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  1. Jonzjob

    UV resin

    I've been thinking of dipping my toe into this stuff, not literally you understand :oops:, the idea being for repairs on my RC Gliders? Richard, any idea where I could get some sunshine from please?
  2. Jonzjob

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    I had a request to make a large, 14" salad bowl for a friend. The only way I could get anything that big was to start glueing and got back on my bowl from a plank again. Done with ash and walnut just rough cut on my bandsaw Flattened on the lathe Cut into the rounds and glued. I do have...
  3. Jonzjob

    A copy of my Selangor pewter pint pot.

    This was a commission I was given about 25 or so years back. I was asked if I could do one in pewter. I don't do anything in metal, but I said I would try one in wood. Beech and mahogany and it holds a pint! He was chuffed to bits with it. I had to suffer 2 ½ years in Singapore serving our...
  4. Jonzjob

    Post a photo of the last thing you turned

    Back with the bowls from a planque again. Black walnut, ash and not sure what the mid coloured wood is? It's as big as I intend to go at 14" diameter. The second largest ring broke when it parted, but salvaged with some Titebond3
  5. Jonzjob

    Bandsaw blade handy reference

    I was showing one of our Men's Shed members how to cut match sticks on the Shed saw with a ¼" 6 skip blade. He was quite impressed that they were about ⅛" square and no problems in doing it either. As for 1" thick, 3tpi? I have no experience of doing that. A while back I was asked to revamp an...
  6. Jonzjob

    What lathe for small jobs?

    As a mate of mine has always said You can do small things on a big machine, but you can't do big things on a small machine. There are loads of bargains on the second hand market and as gas been said an induction motor will last you out and is quieter than the brushed version. At the moment...
  7. Jonzjob

    New lathe for a Men's Shed.

    This used to be a leylandii 3 years back. Best use for them I think. And these are the off cuts from the reindeer above
  8. Jonzjob

    New lathe for a Men's Shed.

    Sounds a bit like my ex M-in-law? I thought about doing wales, but I can never get the bit around Cardif right :unsure:
  9. Jonzjob

    New lathe for a Men's Shed.

    Hi OJ, I'm sorry that I haven't been in touch before, but it's had to go through our committee and all that sort of thing. It has to go through the Lottery as well, but they are being contacted this morning, so that should be through soon. So, is the lathe still up for sale please? If so I have...
  10. Jonzjob

    New lathe for a Men's Shed.

    What is the model number please OJ and is it just the lathe? I have found the model no. and the original post for it. So is the £450 for all the kit in that post?
  11. Jonzjob

    New lathe for a Men's Shed.

    Just banter and as I said, it's a very rare beast and I just sold 5 at £15 each, so who's worried, but ta for your concern Bob
  12. Jonzjob

    Mens Sheds

    I joined the Tetbury Shed earlier this year ad our workshop is a 20' converted container. Our membership is small running to about 12 blokes and all bar one is retired. We are moving from a rundown industrial estate to a much better site in the New Year and hopefully expanding and getting...
  13. Jonzjob

    New lathe for a Men's Shed.

    Yes, it's a lesser spotted Egyptian long necked reindeer and they are very rare
  14. Jonzjob

    New lathe for a Men's Shed.

    The lathe. It's for me to 'try' to teach some elderly gentlemen Shedders how to use a lathe and the basic tools. I don't know if you are familiar with the idea of the Men's Shed Association, but it's for old pippers like me to be able to get out to meet other men, have a chat and a coffee and...
  15. Jonzjob

    New lathe for a Men's Shed.

    Our Men's Shed is just getting established and at the moment we have a Sealey lathe loaned by one of the members untill his workshop is up and running. We also have t he loan of a small bandsaw from the same member. So, I am looking around and asking what will be the best reasonably priced...