Recent content by Jarno

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  1. J

    Collection of 3d printing files relevant for woodworking

    That tile looks great, definitely nails the vibe. Pretty nifty, sort of cloisonne technique using a 3d print, cool.
  2. J

    Saved Record 40 Plane.

    Looks great! Have an 043 and several 044 and 050's, super useful to have several at commonly used settings ready to go. The 043 is the one to use for the grooves for thin ply bottoms in small drawers and boxes. 5mm, 5mm from the edge, go! :) So much quicker than having to faff around with an...
  3. J

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Looks great, and also, it's in oak, so yeah, that'll take some effort (but then again lime/basswood will probably not hold up in the european weather :D ).
  4. J

    Collection of 3d printing files relevant for woodworking

    Interesting info, but off topic to this thread. Please post (links to) 3d files here.
  5. J

    Minimal Tool Challenge

    Quite a fun challenge! It can be argued though, that the tool you made (is that a Doe's Foot?) also needs to count, even though you made it with the minimal toolkit and the board :D
  6. J

    Engineered stone banned in Australia

    Must say the ban got me thinking also, as an engineer, I see the harmful dust release as a problem which needs solving, that's all. Engineered stone in itself is not inherently harmful, the same way cigarettes or alcohol are, nor is it likely to degrade or end up in the environment in volume...
  7. J

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Thanks for the explanations above, they are indeed cut rather than drawn nails. I used these:
  8. J

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Have my mother in law for this years secret Santa, and she has a vegetable garden/ allotment, so I assume she takes some tools back and forth with the car. Made a japanese toolbox for her, so there is less muck (from the tools) in the car: Pine, cut nails, a mahogany wedge, protruding...
  9. J

    Sold Ashley Iles set of carving chisels. Available middle of January 2024.

    Not in the market, but I would deprioritise the polishing if I were you, these will sell anyway. To the user, polishing will add very little (me personally, none at all).
  10. J

    Christmas present idea

    Awesome idea, I drew my MIL for secret santa this year, and woodworking is expected from me (last year I made a whisky cabinet, I've made some boxes over the years). Also toying with the idea of making a japanese style toolbox for myself, so I ordered cut nails, those would also make a nice...
  11. J

    Lost Art Press Videos

    Magnificent human being (IMHO), really like his approach to life and business.
  12. J

    Wanted Dovetail guide wanted - Katz Moses or similar

    Started out sawing everything to a line, with no jig, produced OK dovetails with a bit of care from the start. Do have the occasional project where I just need to take more care, gaps, reversed parts etc. With a jig, my dovetails certainly look neater, and they do remove the need to take extra...
  13. J

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    Would think that with some tweaks you could make those parts into having at least one flat surface each. Right now it's primarily the knuckles of the hinges that will cause grief, more an esthetic choice than anything else. In that mirror body are a few unfortunate things as well, extremely thin...
  14. J

    Paul Davies

    Agreed, maybe report it
  15. J

    Which Coffee Machine?

    At home, I drink coffee only occasionally, in the weekends, so I went with something simple: A Chemex "vase" With a manual coffee grinder (Hario). I have the smaller variant in the caravan, easy enough, add a filter and hot water, just off the boil. Usually have a kitchen scale underneath to...