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  1. JohnerH

    Wadkin FM24” Planer Restoration

    #NewZelandWadkinTemple Fantastic collection @Vann, fantastic restauration work thus far. If no one says it I will, Thank you for restauring these wonderful pieces of history and helping to keep the blood lines alive 😊 Not to mention for being a curator of the wadkin machine history...
  2. JohnerH

    Wadkin FM24” Planer Restoration

    Duh! Admittedly 3am plus lack of coffee does this. 😅
  3. JohnerH

    Wadkin FM24” Planer Restoration

    Didn't it come off the FM to begin with? Why wouldn't it work? Or am I missing something? J
  4. JohnerH

    New member and a Wadkin planer

    Welcome to the forums & the Wadkin family. I know this won't be of help, but I'm in the process of changing my garage to 3 phase. When I first bought my kit I looking into changing into single phase and it boils down to the motor and replacing it or alternatively getting something like this...
  5. JohnerH

    Wadkin FM24” Planer Restoration

    Ohhhhh... Ohhhh... again... It's an omen, we were meant to meet this machine and I... Thank you for the context, again, something to go on the notebook for when the time comes.
  6. JohnerH

    Wadkin FM24” Planer Restoration

    I'll bite :) Pattern makers canting? I know it has something to do with the casting? Thank you, chances are I will be reaching out as I have a feeling this is going to be a looonngg project :)
  7. JohnerH

    Wadkin FM24” Planer Restoration

    Thank you for giving me a very vivid and realistic preview of what's ahead of me with my 24" RM... Like many others, I'm deeply in awe of this restauration and your technical knowledge in the background applied in the foreground. 3 months to completely turn this wonderful piece of kit...
  8. JohnerH

    Spindle Moulders!

    What's life without a little risk? I have the time and besides, it'll be a learning experience working or non-working. Somehow nowadays new just doesn't do it, even all my hand tools are vintage. In any case when the times comes I'll be posting the refurbishment/rebuild on the forum.
  9. JohnerH

    Spindle Moulders!

    I haven't, only the thickneser (RM) was tested that was also bought, Either way the plan was always to strip, refurbish and rebuild, so... I'll make it spin one way or another.
  10. JohnerH

    Spindle Moulders!

    Do you mean like this? Wadkin Spindle Moulder EQ 3338 // Circa. 1969 coming in at 610kg. Need a bit of cleaning and TLC, but can't wait to have this spinning and making what it built to do. Btw this came in at around £800/£1000, I bought as part of a bundle, they are still out there and...
  11. JohnerH

    New House, New Workshop Build.

    This is always the mentality I go with when doing anything, whether it a build or restauration! Interesting... I be in Manchester also... Might have to consider this for the outhouse when determining the floor to put the Wadkins on. Damn you! Something tells me my wife ain't gonna like me (or...
  12. JohnerH

    New House, New Workshop Build.

    I'll get back in my box :) Looks amazing!
  13. JohnerH

    New House, New Workshop Build.

    I know I'm a bit late to the game and not having gone through the last 9 pages of posts, I might be asking something that's already been asked. Unfloor heating, with I assume machinery on top? Is it a good idea? Vibrations... wood falling et al? I have a feeling this is going to be a silly...
  14. JohnerH

    1.1 - Wadkin RS Lathe ¦¦ Elephants Foot + Tool Rest

    Apologies for the delay, We finished it :) Before: After:
  15. JohnerH

    Electrical diagram software ¦¦ Open Source?

    You just gave me an idea, I know it's not free, but I do have access to Visio :) Thank you for the steer...
  16. JohnerH

    Building the new workshop ... may have light at the end of the tunnel!

    Hi, Firstly thank you for sharing, I'll be turning my garage into a wood working shop soon as planning on sharing just like this :) Unless... You have an exempt wood burning stove... and... I think... you can dry the wood to < 20% of moisture (still confirming this one with the council) or at...
  17. JohnerH

    Electrical diagram software ¦¦ Open Source?

    Hi, I saw that, but I think that's the general one, after a quick look see it looks more complex. Anyhu, when I sit down and go through it I'll compare, hopefully they'll be the same, which indeed will save me work.
  18. JohnerH

    Electrical diagram software ¦¦ Open Source?

    Hi All, So I'm going to start a journey in electrically dismantling and troubleshooting a Record Power Planer Thicknesser - RSPT260, With that in mind, I thought if I'm going to analyse it, I might as well record the circuitry et al (and later share it), So the question here is, what open...
  19. JohnerH

    Record Power Planer Thicknesser - RSPT260 - Connect Motor to Mains

    It's alive... It worked, 9-10s as per the duration of the video, linked it direct to the motor then on and off. Seems I have more troubleshooting to do upstream.
  20. JohnerH

    Record Power Planer Thicknesser - RSPT260 - Connect Motor to Mains

    But I'm stripping it from the casing/housing, hooking the motor up direct to current... to see if it works... Quite frankly I need to strip the whole thing, this is just the first step.