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  1. A

    Metal roof insulation to fix condensation

    Hello. I am enclosing a patio that already has a metal roof. 2x4 purlins were used and condensation would form on the underside of the metal on certain days, maybe more so in the winter. I hope I don't have to remove the metal and put down some decking. I thought about putting some foam panels...
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    3D printing advice

    I recommend starting with user-friendly platforms like Tinkercad for design and exploring tutorials on YouTube for step-by-step guidance. Additionally, online forums such as Reddit's r/3Dprinting offer valuable community support and advice. Sites like Thingiverse provide ready-made 3D models for...
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    Vertical radiator on single stud?

    Just screw one side to the stud and use plasterboard fixings for the other. It's what they're made for
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    Kitchen Worktop Joints

    Hello. I need to cut a hole in a kitchen worktop big enough to get my hand and forearm through. Cutting the hole is the easy bit, it's the filling of it in a manner acceptable to swmbo that is the problem! I thought a hole size of 4" sq or dia would be enough. The idea is similar to that used on...
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    Making internal doors - Tulip Wood Vs Sycamore

    I must say I was disgusted to find out it is actually Poplar. Was this always an acceptable practice or have we sunk to a new low?
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    Cabinet material for outdoor kitchen?

    Hello. I'm planning to build some cabinets that will be outside on a covered dock at the lake. The cabinets will be exposed to heat/cold/humidity but they will not really be exposed to direct sunlight nor rain as they will be in an outside-covered bar area. Does anyone have experience with...