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  1. D


    This is all rather odd and a classic example of jamming the signal. Please tell us roughly how many people wishing to move here and what type (skills, beliefs), we should take? Perhaps starting at the end, will be more sensible.
  2. D


    This position doesn’t make any sense. If you cared to listen to the conservatives you would hear them making an identical claim. The Tories are not conservative, they are aligned with the city, the institutions and corporations. Neither are serving the public but rather themselves. It is not...
  3. D


    You’re not really addressing my point. Rather trying to spin it in a way that doesn’t make sense.
  4. D


    I don't know enough about it but I admire many of Mick’s positions. I think he’s an honest person in the classical British left wing sense and I respect that.
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    In my view. modern liberals (the left) have been effectively overtaken by malevolent types. Liberals are prone to being manipulated because they are more empathetic. This allows narcissists to come in and easily control them. Unfortunately social media has been a huge opening for these types...
  6. D


    There is no right wing and left wing. There are division based on two personality types. One side (conservative/classical liberal) are cautious people who like rule and order. They believe in a small state and basing their views on rationaility and facts. They believe individualism and family...
  7. D

    Bandsaw Issues?

    Thanks Robin. 1) I could do that. I’ll post results. 2) This bandsaw has 710mm wheels so should cope with a 20mm. 25mm might push it. 3) I had the same blade riding on the crown and then moved it over as Felder suggested. No real difference in wobble though as tech was hoping. 4) Yes it is to...
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    Bandsaw Issues?

    Unfortunately this was the new blade but I can try another. It can’t hurt. Thank you for your suggestions.
  9. D

    Bandsaw Issues?

    Thank you for the tips and I think your appraisal sounds pretty fair. I’ll take some videos tomorrow when back in the shop and post them here.
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    Bandsaw Issues?

    When you say "noticed", if you are near your saw, or going to it in the near future, could you double check? Just focus on the blade passing through the table and see if see any swaying from side to side and or slight flapping. Again, we all assume things that may turn out to be otherwise...
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    Bandsaw Issues?

    Hi Vulcan. Thanks for responding. That’s an interesting video but does not address how much a bandsaw should or shouldn't vibrate and or how much blade flapping if any, is acceptable. I’m not looking for ‘how to videos’ as I've watched all of them. I’m looking for real world feedback...
  12. D

    Bandsaw Issues?

    Thanks Spectric I have watched those videos by Peter and have spoken to Peter directly about the issue I mentioned here. Peter’s videos do not go into how much a machine should vibrate and or how much blade wobble is acceptable, if any. They are more generic ‘set-up’ videos, which are great...
  13. D

    Bandsaw Issues?

    Yes bought from new. When you say ‘shouldn’t move at all’ is this the experience you have with your bandsaw? Not even in the slightest? Not even a fraction? Sorry Phil I don’t mean to be pedantic. Just trying to separate out those who ‘believe’ from those who ‘I just turned my bandsaw on and...
  14. D

    Bandsaw Issues?

    Hi All I have an FB710 Felder bandaw 2023 model and seem to be having some set up issues. This is my first bandsaw so not really sure what to expect. I've probably used it to for about an hour in total so far. I noticed that the blade seems to flap a lot from side to side, when the machine is...
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    Total Newbie to CNC and Lasers

    I purchsed my CNC from a father and son team based in Hull. They are called Jazz CNC I did thorough research and found them to very knowledgable Most CNC companies buy from china, kick the tyres and send it on to you, with a nice mark up for said kicking. No doubt they offer some or good...
  16. D

    Why are some router tables made up of cast iron but not others?

    I fully agree and understand that, as someone who studied music. When the conversation crosses over (as it often does) into the realm of “don't buy one make one, I made mine and it only cost me x”, that’s a different discussion imo and warrants a cross examination on ‘real’ costs and...
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    Why are some router tables made up of cast iron but not others?

    The down side with CI is that it has to be seasoned and machined flat to begin with and the most commonly sold CI tables, are by the likes of Axminster. There’s can be all over the place and start off less flat than a well supported phenolic, mdf or valcromat table. I think a well braced table...
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    Why are some router tables made up of cast iron but not others?

    one or two posts debating with someone the merits of a home made build vs buying, in a thread about router quality, is not a really a derail. Maybe a side discussion that if left to a few posts, is pretty harmless. It is true though my comments have sparked a discussion that have snowballed...
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    Why are some router tables made up of cast iron but not others?

    The reason why I posted what I have is to open a discussion on the value of things. A plurality of ideas and approaches to things is important. It’s not about who’s right or wrong. My passion is modern British industrial design (1950’s) and I have collected quite a few books from that period...
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    Why are some router tables made up of cast iron but not others?

    I agree that a retired person doesn’t have to consider his or her time, in such a manner but too many people do not consider their time In such a manner. For example, you’re a single person so your time is linear. If you’re working on ‘x’ than you cannot be working on ‘y’. You don't have other...