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  1. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    And there was me thinking it was a method of hiding the signs of getting older...... eat and eat and eat until the wrinkles all fill out.
  2. Stan

    What tool should I buy next?

    You need a round tuit. Everybody, myself included, says " I will do [ insert project here] when I get a round tuit".
  3. Stan

    Any ideas

    What is on the other end? If it appears there is nothing, is there the remains of a temporary campsite there?
  4. Stan

    How to drill into a concrete lintel?

    Thanks all - some good advice. SDS drill +bits en route.
  5. Stan

    How to drill into a concrete lintel?

    For years, whenever I have needed to put a wooden beam across the top of the inside of a window, I have been faced with drilling into a concrete lintel. I have always used a hammer drill on a slow setting, with appropriate masonry bit, drilling in short bursts. After much foul language and some...
  6. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    From the best man at my son's wedding... "Before I begin the speech proper, I would like to make a public service announcement. To the person who lost a wallet containing £60, I found the wallet". From when I had to give the best man speech, I recommended the ABC-XYZ of giving speeches...
  7. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    A balanced diet... is a pint in each hand.
  8. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    Superman and Chuck Norris had a fight. The loser had to wear his pants outside his trousers.
  9. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    A young woman driving a flashy sports car was stopped by police doing 60mph in a 30 zone. The officer, jaded after many years of having seen it all, reached for his book and began to write out a ticket. "But officer", the young woman said. "I thought that if a pretty young woman fluttered her...
  10. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    I am concerned that from the given dates, Roger's lifespan was significantly shorter than expected. Is there a significance to the fact that he died on Christmas day?
  11. Stan

    A little truth for a change.

    Exactly. Another way of expressing this was a comment I read somewhere else. To paraphrase it ( because I cannot exactly recall the original): "All red-haired left-handed men born in [state your chosen location] are going to die!" [ cue dramatic shocking music jingle]. This of course is a...
  12. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    One of my first cars was a Skoda Estelle. It was a heap of **** and had negative street credibility. BUT, it was given to me for free ( just before it was sent to the scrap heap ), and was reasonably cheap to run. For an engine, 4 wheels and some seats, that was legal and moved, it could not be...
  13. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    Lol. That skip picture reminds me of when I was a student. There was a pizza place that allowed one free trip to the salad bar with your bowl. With sticks of celery as radial supports and lettuce leaves to fill in the gaps, I could easily quadruple what I could carry away from the bar in one go...
  14. Stan

    Aluminium tower advice please

    Ah..... the hi-vis vest. When you put on one, it gives you a force shield protecting your pink squishy body. There is a similar effect for motorists. If you park where you shouldn't, even for "just a couple of minutes", put on your hazard lights. This makes your car invisible to traffic...
  15. Stan

    Aluminium tower advice please

    Thank you all for your comments and thoughts. Some useful stuff. This has got to be a classic example of what not to do. Two things come to my mind: the ladder and the stabilisers. From the safety videos I have watched, setting up a ladder on top of a tower is a huge NO. Here, the force...
  16. Stan

    Aluminium tower advice please

    Some great advice there. Thanks all.
  17. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    Trump is on the news as producing fake pictures targetting the Afro-American community. What you may not know is that he is also working on the native American community as well. Mr Trump and his cronies organised a large public meeting in a hall with a stage. All the local native American...
  18. Stan

    Aluminium tower advice please

    I am looking for some advice on buying/using an aluminium tower for some home repairs. The front gable wall of my house is the weather wall, the one exposed to all the storms. It needs repointing and I have been quoted £130 per square metre + scaffolding costs. Ouch! Four years ago I...
  19. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    Oooooh matron! [Flares nostrils]
  20. Stan

    Joke Thread 4

    Thank you for the compliment. I have to warn you that I have a weapons-grade sense of humour. My bad habits include eating mushy peas, and I get violent if I don't have a regular intake of strong tea.