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  1. C

    Joke Thread 4

    Only last week I was sauntering along the road with my 7-month old pup, pausing every few yards to have a good sniff. The dog, not me... At one house a lady was tidying up her garden border - no, not a euphemism - and she heard me say "I was just admiring the size of your heucheras...." Luckily...
  2. C


    Indeed. After all, he's "very innocent". Not "partially innocent", mind..."very innocent". The bloke's not wired right.... :giggle:
  3. C

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    I'd like to help, but I'm washing my hair that night... :D
  4. C

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    Yup. Best advice going!
  5. C

    A new phrase?

    Don't blame you. First class, it ain't.... 📮
  6. C

    A new phrase?

    Have you been hacked by Mr.Little? :unsure:
  7. C

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    I decided to mess about with the bias a few years ago...and had the presence of mind (for once!) to read up first! 4 x 350v and a couple at 500v.... Sweat just thinking about it!
  8. C

    A new phrase?

    Those old enough to remember the decision to axe hundreds of miles of rail routes and stations will possibly still use the phrase "to do a beeching" when weeding/thinning out certain things. I wonder if "doing a vennells" will become a household phrase in the future?
  9. C

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    The only thing I know for definite about Rustin's Plastic Coating... 1) Open the window. Open every window. 2) Open the window wider. All of 'em. 3) Open the door. 4) Open the door even wider. 5) If possible, open your ceiling up. 6) If possible, remove the house roof. It IS pungent, heady...
  10. C

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    'Tis true...attachments are made. Ony this morning have I been on my knees trying to sort out my favourite of favourites, my DeVille 2x12. Old now, and some of the plastic components are beginning to dry/shatter/shear. In this case, the power amp in socket has sheared off, and bear in mind the...
  11. C

    Cars that make you smile

    Cars that made me smile? My brother-in-law's Frogeye. A bit older than me, and when I was a teenager, I thought it was brilliant. He got rid, and instead rode around in a Daimler Dart, an SP250. That also impressed me at the time! Fast? Frighteningly so. My favourite vehicle was my Rover 75. A...
  12. C

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    (My bold) Ha ha hahahahhahahhahhahhaha... Yes, yes, yes.....we've heard it all before! A good few years ago, I decided that I'd team up with a singer guitarist and gig as a duo instead of/as well as my band. In readiness, I splashed out on a brand new Marshall AS50D from Andertons.... just...
  13. C

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    Laddo above is right about getting a cover. I ordered one for my Roland VS recorder a few weeks ago, and I was so pleased with the result I've ordered another for a different Roland, together with one for my Tech21 Trademark 60 combo amp. These are all made to measure, and can have logo's or...
  14. C

    Chisel Buying Advice

    I've noticed that the latest Aldi handtool offers - including chisels and files - boast "Workzone" as opposed to the more-recent "Ferrex". Whether that means Aldi have re-connected to their old suppliers, I don't know, but the Sellers jobs were Workzone at the time... The new chisel packs only...
  15. C

    The most frustrating thing you have encountered lately

    This is a pet hate of mine, that seems to disappear for a while before coming back with a vengeance...and once you've noticed it, it becomes infuriating. "Yes, we've worked here for 47 years..." TV interviewer : "47 years?!" "47 years..." "And how many times have you cycled round this park?"...
  16. C

    Joke Thread 4

  17. C

    Remember your first....

    I can see Eamonn now, clutching his famous red book, saying "You haven't seen him for 40 years, but he's here tonight..." :giggle:
  18. C

    Remember your first....

    Did you get pulled? :sneaky:
  19. C

    Remember your first....

    ...ticking off at work?! Earlier tonight, I was watching some news report about how youngsters are suffering from mental health issues, and couldn't help wonder how they'd have coped with starting work in the 60's? My personal ticking off concerned being lectured by the branch manager, about how...
  20. C

    Crikey! Not made in China!

    Yes! My wife's just bought me something not made in China! Mind you, it does say "Made in Hungary" on one end of the box, and "Made in Germany" on t'other, but even so... Unbelievable amount of packaging - 100% recycled material - but boxes within boxes within bags within boxes get...