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  1. M

    Knob for dimmer switch

    I thought you probably had done so but the info may be useful for LBlondon114 or someone else.
  2. M

    Knob for dimmer switch

    If you haven't already replaced them (I realise this thread is fairly old) try an electronics supplier such as Rapid, CPC/Farnell, RS. It looks pretty standard. Some knobs come with a removable skirt. Martin.
  3. M

    Joke Thread 4

    Can't work out whether you are a Japlander or Ireanise. 🥴🤔
  4. M


    I've just started using Proton VPN. Comes free if you subscribe to their email along with other benefits. Good to get away from the all encompassing Big G! No! Not Rankin's Big G Mccafferty, the other Big G! 🤣
  5. M

    13A fuses - is there much difference?

    But the relationship is still basically the same. That is good old Mr. Ohms Law still applies though with pure resistance replaced with inductive (or capacitive) impedance -- I = V / Xl where I is current, V is voltage and Xl is inductive impedance = 2 × pi x f (frequency) x L (inductance)...
  6. M

    Stainless steel splashback

    If you end up drilling stainless steel then go slow with a sharp drill and use plenty of cutting compound otherwise the SS will work harden. I didn't the first time and suffered for my ignorance. The next time it drilled as easily as cheese. Martin
  7. M


    Admittedly I don't know all the pros and cons but what about using a privacy based browser, something like Duckduckgo? I still tend to go through and reject as many cookies as I possibly can. I'm sure someone here will give better advice soon. Martin
  8. M

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    Looks good. What adhesive did you use to glue the two halves together? Martin
  9. M

    Cars that make you smile

    My first car was a Ford 100E Anglia. I doubled up the front anti-roll bar that improved the handling and fitted a sand-racers additional overdrive gearbox. This doubled the number of gears. Added to the top speed a little. Plus the look on people's faces when you changed gear while reversing...
  10. M

    Cars that make you smile

    How do you get your wood home? 🙂
  11. M

    Convertible Mitre/Table Saws: any good?

    The Bosch looks pretty dangerous to me. I think I'd give it a miss. I bought a secondhand Elektra Bekum KGT500 flip saw which is IMHO safer and works well in a small shop. It's made out of an alloy (aluminium?) rather than steel but works well for me. In table saw mode it has a reasonably...
  12. M

    13A fuses - is there much difference?

    An interesting aside to this issue has happened to me. I have had an old Elektra Bekum planer thicknesser for several years which is connected with a 13A plug. Before I moved house it would break the 13A fuse on start up. Not the one in the plug but the inline one in the isolation switch as the...
  13. M

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    It's DEAD!!!! You've killed it. 😰😰😰😭😭😭
  14. M

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I believe the traditional woods for the hub, spokes and rim are respectively elm to resist the splitting forces at the hub, oak because of its strength under compression and ash for its springiness that will give a modicum of suspension. Are they the woods you have used? I too would like to see...
  15. M

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    I can certainly send them to you. PM me please. I'll enclose a 3D printed guide for drilling the holes in the machine. You'll also have to source a short length (36mm) of rod to act as the hinge.
  16. M

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    A slap-it-off paddle for my ancient table saw. My Elektra Bekum table saw just has two 15mm buttons to turn it on or off. I want an off switch actuator that is more readily available, the sort where you don't have to find when something goes wrong or you can operate with your knee. Designed from...
  17. M

    Joke Thread 4

    Wow! Some jokes! Anyone would think someone's complained there weren't any here on the joke thread. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. M

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    There is a brand called ADOLA who make knives sold through Wolfswinkel GMBH. Could the 'underline' be a stylised A? The current trademark is somewhat different though. Just my penny worth (though it's probably not even worth a penny! )
  19. M

    Router table / router question

    And of course if you have access to a 3D printer you can always print a simple jig to either make a circular jig to give you an accurate centre to mark out from or a larger one you can drill through where your router mounting holes should be or something in between. Have fun Martin
  20. M

    3D printer location

    Yes though not so you'd notice. I don't notice any/much ABS smell when its printing. I have seen that some owners have but additional extraction onto their Roboxs and/carbon filters but I've never bothered.