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    Kity 1619 capacitors

    I don't know if you have come across They seem to have a good section of motor capacitors.
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    Opinions, please

    Struth, I'm very much an amateur, but I would be so embarrassed if that was the quality of my work. I certainly wouldn't have any photographs on show for others to see.
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    Do I need a track saw / table saw?

    I started out with the clamp rail thingy me bob you have the photo attached. It worked really well and you will achieve what you want. The downsides to them, is that you have to (remember!!!!) to add/subtract the distance from the edge of the saw plate to your blade each time you measure. It's...
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    Stanley Compressor

    Have you looked at the Hyundai Compressors, Peter Millard did a review on youtube and I was impressed by how quiet it was, If I remember correctly, he was talking to camera while it was running...something you definitely couldn't do with the makita one I have got, I wouldn't be able to talk to...
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    Corner wardrobe build

    Like Terry above, my first thought was kitchen corner units. Is there a place displaying kitchens near you, it may give you ideas on how to adapt the door to your needs. Just a side thought, have you thought about having the door/wardobe at a 45' joining the 2 wardrobes? Something like the photo?
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    Preparing burr maple

    I remember watching a programme of an old chap out in USA that was running a wood yard as a business. He just had basically a roof on 4 posts over the stack of wood being dried. This allowed the air to circulate all around the wood. I don't know how our weather with driving rain would work but...
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    Beginner's Project: Wardrobe + Wall Bed - Birch Ply

    Good luck to you. The design looks really great. I'm coming to the end of building wardrobes for 2 bedroom. Even though the amount of panels/components I ended up with seemed quite daunting, I found it quite straight forward. I found using low tack masking tape as labels really useful for...
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    Folding Leg Desk

    Could you use folding leg hardware. Something like this...
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    Rust in my little workshop

    I normally have a small heater set on very low to keep the rust of my tools, a couple of years ago I forgot to turn it on come winter, work got in the way and it was 6 months or so before I got back in there. There was rust over everything that was out in the open. What was interesting though...
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    Table saw advice?

    I had a cheap table saw that the blade kept on dropping during use, I used a bungy cord and clipped it onto the handle once I got the desired height. A bit of a simple bodge but worked well for me.
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    Wood movement

    The box looks amazing, such a shame about the slight movement. Are you able to save it? Could you put a shim under the corner that is touching, and clamp the corner with the gap, this stretchers/pushes the wood the other way and after a few days/weeks stays flat. I've had good success doing this...
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    Festool ETS EC 150/5 sander - Anyone willing to compare to mine?

    I have a festool palm sander that juddered quite a lot and was an effort to move around the work. I eventually found that turning down the extraction a bit stoped it sucking itself to the workpiece and I was able to glide the sander around with ease. Probably not what is going on with you but...
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    Need to escape/reset

    Hiya Stig, I've worked and lived at my place of work on a private estate for over 20 years and totally get the pressures it can cause, I'm on call 24hrs a day for alarms going off etc. Always worrying about something. Whatever breaks and stops working, it feels like I broke it and don't get me...
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    Using oil on door??

    A chippy friend was telling me that the glue they are using on some new doors/veneers are effected by oil and can become unstuck, and it is the manufactures - get out of warranty claims - is why they state it. He says its like when you chop in hinges to a pre finished door, if you don't...
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    No. No. Just no.

    Hahaha I don't know why but part of me likes it. :cool:
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    Invisible glued joint

    I tend to use Titebond Original, which is easily cleaned up with a slight damp sponge at the time of glue up. I've never noticed any glue lines/marks using it.
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    First time for everything...

    Really nice design and beautifully turned, they look fantastic.
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    Why do we get such a limited choice of planers/machines in the UK?

    Are you dead set on 8", I have a 12" planer thicknesses and would struggle with that size with the boards I buy these days. Have you looked at 1 phase to 3 phase converters? I know its an additional cost but miles cheaper than getting 3 phase installed, if you are able to in the first place. It...
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    Why can't I buy z-clips or Figure 8 Fasteners in Ireland?!?
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    Why can't I buy z-clips or Figure 8 Fasteners in Ireland?!?

    Are you able to get eBay or Amazon purchases easily in Ireland, there seems to be lots of choice on those sites