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  1. A

    Cars - Form over function

    Perhaps it's always been the case but it seems more and more that we pick form over function. For example take the citreon C4 cactus. Love it or loathe it, the side panels on the doors were an incredibly useful feature to prevent damage to otherwise large clear dentable panels. Also note black...
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    Fire safety/Fire extinguishers - what to buy etc

    The battery thread got me thinking about fire safety (thought a new thread was better than derailing that thread). In the past I had a powder extinguisher for my kitcar but that has de-pressurised. I don't have anything in the house either so thinking about replacements. I did a quick look...
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    Spalted beech - what to make?

    Hi All, I've been cutting firewood and have some 10inch logs that have a nice strong spalting going on. The wood still seems strong so wondering about turning them into something. Any suggestions what to make? examples etc. Not normally a fan of spalting but this seemed really defined when i...
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    What is the safest way to plank a small log?

    Hi, I've got a small log around 15cm in diameter and about 3ft long. I want to cut this into a couple of 'planks' around 15mm thick (not sure if that's the right term at this size - strips maybe). Can this be safely done on a tablesaw? If so, how? I have access to a chainsaw as well. My...
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    How is lane filtering on a motorbike allowed and/or safe?

    I often find myself wondering how on earth 'filtering' on a motorbike is allowed or safe. I get that if traffic is stationary or crawling (<10mph or so) then slowly moving to the front is relatively safe but there there appears to be no limits on what is deemed a safe speed. On here for...
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    Jet afs-500 fixed

    My father-in-law-to-be bought a Jet afs-500 a while back (like this but not from here and about 6 months ago it stopped working. He ended up buying another air filter unit as he didn't know how to fix it. I...
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    Any idea what wood school PE benches are made of?`

    Going to pick up 4 PE benches from my kids school today that they need gone. I guess I'll find out soonish but wondering what wood they are likely to be. Beech perhaps? Figure I'll run them through the planer and hopefully have some nice bits of timber. They have been outside for a while but...
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    A lesson in thermodynamics and a nice cup of tea

    Just back from a trip to france. We stopped in one of the service areas on the way down through france and I got out the portable gas stove to boil some water. The temperature was at or below 0 degrees so a cup of tea was quite appealing. Started the stove and it had a nice flame on the burner...
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    Chalet door design - source or build.

    Hi all, just back from a skiing trip and the door to the Chalet caught my attention. I need a new front door and I like the idea of something similar as I would think it is quite insulating. It was about 7cm thick and had tongue and groove inside and out and appeared to be plywood in the...
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    A very old question... fossils

    Hi, I was thinking of buying a fossil for my other half (happy birthday here's an old rock :) ) but not really sure how to know if they are genuine or not. Don't really want to buy an overpriced decorated rock Any tips or things to look out for? thanks
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    It never happens in Europe!

    Every year when there is snow in the uk and travel chaos erupts, there are a million comments about how pathetic the UK is and how no one else ever has a problem in europe... I guess all the same comments from the UK would need to be applied to...
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    What's the safest shape for a small part on a toy?

    Hi all, I'm making a slide whistle for my nephew and will be putting something on the end of the shaft, both for safety if you fall on it and also to be able to hold it to activate the slide. This would normally be a ball but I'm slightly cautious that if it got broken or chewed off there is a...
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    Watching accident videos

    Every now and then I'll see an accident video on youtube. I never watch them out of morbid curiosity or desire to see someone injured, but I often find they have a valuable lesson in them. This one popped up today and was a good reminder, whilst thankfully not resulting in much more than some...
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    How much should a gymnasium roof cost?

    Hi, the gym my kid goes to has a leaking roof and is looking to have, what the newsletter is calling, a 'cover roof'. Not really sure what that means. Whilst I haven't been up there myself to look, from memory from inside it is a metal roof with plastic sections for light. From what I've been...
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    Not so smart meter

    Had a call from my energy supplier who are still trying to get me to have a smart meter installed. I already have a digital meter which works without a problem so I have no inclination to change it. I asked if the meter could be installed in 'dumb' mode to which he replied yes. To which I...
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    Anyone have a 3d printer? USB LED light mount idea

    Got a Beanie with integral LED light for christmas and in my usual way I got to thinking how else the light unit, which is detachable, could be used. It's a really nice, bright usb rechargeable unit and I got to thinking perhaps it could be used in multiple different ways. If you could 3d print...
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    Chisel re-handle for christmas

    Just started wood turning a few months back and I've just completed a job I've been wanting to do for a few years now. This is my dad's old set of chisels that the handles have been used and very much abused over the years and I've now rehandled them as a christmas present. They are made by...
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    Will smart meters be used for the rolling blackouts?

    Been reading about the potential for rolling blackouts this winter and one thing struck me. They talk about different blocks being temporarily shut off but also about how certain places will be exempt e.g. care homes, hospitals and people with specific needs. I may well be wrong but from my...
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    MT1 or MT2? Al-Ko Kober HDM 850

    Hi, I'm new to woodturning and I have a Al-Ko Kober HDM 850 lathe. It appears as though the headstock has a tapered female hole and i am assuming this would be a morse taper fitting. The problem is I've measured the hole at the entrance and it is 15mm. When I look up morse taper sizing it says...