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  1. C

    Wanted Screw box and tap, - wood.

    The kit needed to cut wooden threads for a leg vice etc, 1” or larger preferably. Ian
  2. C

    Strange happening

    Pam and I were driving down a quiet country road recently, ( Nth Lincs) doing about 40 - 50 mph when an object flashed across about 20 yds in front of us from left to right at about car roof height it was going incredibly fast - much faster than a Formula 1 car passing in front of you. I...
  3. C

    Advice needed -Minimax C26 G-T combination machine

    Hi, I’m looking to buy an SCM combination machine, the C30 G-T isn’t available here for 6 months but the slightly smaller 26 is, and its quite a bit cheaper. The main differences as far as I can see are the width of the planer 12” down to 10” , that doesn’t really bother me, both machines use...
  4. C

    Why is this dangerous kit being advertised on here?

    I know this topic has been done to death already but we don’t need members having life altering injuries because they bought these inherently dangerous push blocks and misnamed push sticks. They bring your hand too close to the blade or cutter. Please don’t buy them!
  5. C

    Sold Lie-Nielsen no4 plus 2 Veritas blades

    Emigrating to the land of the free-ish, so things have to go! The plane is still in its original cardboard box and has been used only a handful of times, but it did unfortunately get splashed with water as the fire brigade saved my building, it’s not at all bad as can be seen from the photos...
  6. C

    Just what on earth is this all about.

    These are fairly regularly above the useful stuff on this site, I opened something like this once and entered a maze of rabbit holes that never seemed to end so I shan’t do it again, this one appears to advocate sticking a nail in a socket – well I suppose it would slash your power bills, it...
  7. C

    Could? be an interesting year

    Baba Vanga a Bulgarian mystic who died quite a few years ago predicts that this coming year is the year we might be visited (the newspapers of course said invaded) by aliens. They are predicted to arrive on an astroid called Oumuamua, interestingly this astroid was discovered by scientists in...
  8. C

    Nearly put this in the joke thread

    And again, the people that actually pay for the road are being shunted further and further down the list of the ones able to use it. I can see this causing no end of accidents and bad feelings, particularly with cyclists. Reproduced from the Telegraph.
  9. C

    Water (and other things) Divining

    I have brought this over from another thread in case anyone is interested in the arcane mysteries of Divining. Nobody really knows but it’s suspected in our long distant past we could use this sense to detect all sorts of things in our daily life much as we do with sight and smell, probably for...
  10. C

    For Sale Beautiful old mahogany probably Victorian, cheap to go!

    This door belongs to a friend of mine who is selling and downsizing, urgent sale, it would produce some lovely chunky pieces of mahogany. Offers in the region of £95 from LN76 – Caistor Lincolnshire. I may be able to help reduce it to a manageable size if that’s a problem. Ian
  11. C

    Saw this whilst in the US - just now.

    Obviously aimed at Americans, just seemed strange to see it on a predominantly UK site. No reflection on Selectotone's post. I realise it’s there because I’m in the States, we don’t normally have political ads.
  12. C

    Not seen a Stanley Nr 4 like this before.

    I am in the US at the mo and was looking at planes, came across this strange one, solid sole and frog, and adjustable sole to vary mouth gap, wood handles made from cherry. They are calling it a planer yuk! It may be common knowledge and me that’s not up to date, who knows. Ian
  13. C

    Nice but I’m not paying that, I can see it might be quite handy to get down level with things, so gentlemen and ladies, I don’t do metal particularly so using something like these gate parts what can we come up with as a low cost solution
  14. C

    Talk of new benches has got me wondering

    Now whilst I don’t need a new bench, mine have always been long, 2 feet deep 3” Beech and fastened to the wall, but recently talk of people building their own benches has got me got me thinking it would be fun to make a new one, freestanding this time - without a well, but with a planing stick...
  15. C

    Anyone got an idea how to find this leak?

    My local Heritage Centre which I do odd jobs for sometimes has a problem, the building was refurbished about 15 years ago and underfloor polystyrene insulation – lots of it with underfloor water heating running through it, was installed, on top of that there is an oak faced engineered floor...
  16. C

    You may not know this handy tip.

    We probably all use ratchet straps but not everybody including me new this simple tip to make life easier. My son learnt this and passed it on to me, and the other day I had a guy collecting a car on a dolly, which he does all day every day and he didn’t know it and was most impressed when I...
  17. C

    Something to be aware of.

    So my lovely lady was to return to the US on Saturday, organised a fit to fly Covid test which duly arrived. You have to show that you were tested negative 3 days prior to flying. Well she did the test on Wednesday morning and I posted it straight off. They received it on Thursday (we got...
  18. C

    Something most Brits won’t have come across.

    So I was helping renovate an old house in the US recently and came across this old light switch, totally silent in use and something to be careful of, it’s a Mercury switch it uses the Mercury as a conductor across the contacts, a lot were made of glass which even by my standards is not too...
  19. C

    I blame YouTube, how many more Americanisms are we going to have to suffer ?

    Vise instead of Vice. Doesn’t even sound right. Clamp for Cramp that one is almost ubiquitous now, in case you didn’t know a clamp is that bit of wood on the end of a breadboard, or something that fastens onto a tube. I think in this case it was just easier for people like Axminster to copy...
  20. C

    How to use push sticks to cut wood safely on a table saw.

    This is after somebody asked on another thread how to use push sticks and so I looked online to see what there was and was a bit horrified at some of the contraptions that are being promoted. First off, this might not be 100% to the letter of the rules and I’m sure it will be pointed out to me...