Recent content by stuart little

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  1. stuart little

    High quality rotary tool

    Proxxon, they have a long-nose drill / engraver etc.
  2. stuart little

    Car tax / road fund licence

    YES! :LOL: :devilish:
  3. stuart little


    And, here be mine, having a rest from the shipyard. "My book, paws off!"
  4. stuart little


    Looks like he/she is about to say:- "Leave me tools alone!"
  5. stuart little

    Garage Shelves Advice

    What about steel perforated angle, & chipboard? I had shelving made from it in my old workshop for 'donkeys', stored paint & garage tools & very rigid.
  6. stuart little


    Just like ebay!!!!!!! I can end up with 6 or more tabs open, & not be able to purchase until I've cleared the 'cache'. Does my 'ed in as well!
  7. stuart little


    The only 'cookies' I allow are Maryland! :LOL: Reminds be of the bear on 'The Andy Williams Show' ; "Where are the cookies?".
  8. stuart little

    Joke Thread 4

    Don't insult my pussycat; Mabel! :love:🙀
  9. stuart little

    Joke Thread 4

    Who - me? :dunno: But I agree with Mdme. Guilotine!!!:LOL:
  10. stuart little

    PC & Printer Internet Problems

    Even my keyboard threw a wobbly on start up today, when I clicked reply it started continuos '4'. The second time I tried to type all I got was a 'beep', a re-start cleared that one! I have now found a 'Home Visiting PC Doc.', so keeping my digits crossed that he can-do. I've noticed, too, that...
  11. stuart little


    Having to relay some of them thar 'cooncil' slabs on my own, I found that my sack truck made a very good lifter/mover/relaying 'tool'. If you canna find your dog after, then look under the 'sticky-up' slab! ;)
  12. stuart little

    Little & Large of Yankees - lucky find.

    I never got on well with mine, I think I must have binned it at some point, Never really liked slotted screws.
  13. stuart little

    Cars that make you smile

    Have a look at Richard Hammond's Workshop TV series ep1 + another further thru the series.
  14. stuart little

    Cars that make you smile

    I knew of a farmer who put a Morris Oxford engine in a Jag 2.4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ROFLMAO:
  15. stuart little

    Cars that make you smile

    That sounds about right - Rover head gasket chobblers!