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  1. N

    Osmo UV protection

    I use osmo 420/425 for all exterior oak door and windows and it dries in 24 hours in decent weather. If you're having problems, osmo have area reps who can come out and have a look. They did for us when we were originally trying to decide what to use. 32 exterior oak doors and windows.
  2. N


    If you want to see what can be determined just from you connecting via a browser to a site, have a look at It will show you what can be determined from your connection. Then access it over a VPN. Quite enlightening. Try different VPNs - Not all VPNs are the same. Try...
  3. N

    Where to buy WRC planks....

    Please let me know what I owe you. Thanks.
  4. N

    Cars that make you smile

    Thinking about other cars I've had that have given loads of fun, I had an RS1600i (PRP 244Y) back in the early '80s which was a bonkers vehicle - one of the first and very best "hot hatch"s. Then there was my desert jeep, Stoffel, which I had for three years in Oman and the UAE. My current...
  5. N

    Cars that make you smile

    My favourite drivers car was the E30 BMW M3 (LHD) homologation series that I had from '88. E802 DRS, now SORNed. Top Gears "Car of the decade". Had it as my daily driver for several years. Current favourite, and one that always brings a grin to my face, is my Defender '93 200TDi which I'm...
  6. N

    Where to buy WRC planks....

    That would be amazing. I'll drop you an email.., It turns out you've set your contact details to private - perhaps send me one instead so I can reply? Thanks
  7. N

    Where to buy WRC planks....

    That's thoughtful of you. At least one and hopefully 5 or more... For safety , 600mm is probably a better length. I'm in Kent, BTW. I rang probably 8 yards today with no joy. These are to repair "deep roofs" - a standard British National roof is about 4" deep but if you have a feeder on the...
  8. N

    Where to buy WRC planks....

    I'm after a few lengths of 12.5 x 150 x 500 mm (min finished in each dimension) WRC to repair some beehives. I really don't want to joint two 75mm bits etc as beehives are weathered heavily (being outdoors 24/7/365) and joints always give and leak eventually. I have a PT and good table &...
  9. N

    Helping at a repair cafe

    To be completely fair, Linux (in the true sense of just the kernel) and GIT were created by the same person (*). Plus, Tensorflow was created by Google as an internal tool and then open-sourced. These projects (and many others) have, in turn, created huge ecosystems of businesses with well paid...
  10. N

    Spiral cutter for Metabo HC 260 (and clones)....

    I need new blades for my HC 260 and was considering a carbide pair, but they are £270 + a replacement clamp at £55, i.e. around £325 in total... Then I noticed these: Spiral cutter head replacement for an HC 260 with 3 (or maybe 4?) rows of...
  11. N

    Stolen tools news article

    This raid was on a site very close to us (about 3 miles away). It was long overdue according to folk in Cranbrook. There are many more photos of what was found there - quite shocking. Below is only part of it. FWIW, we've always found the police around here to be very helpful.
  12. N

    Which dominos to buy?

    Decided to go Trend via Toolstation. Getting a variety of 8mm & 10mm beech dominos, but Trend don't seem to do 12mm... they do 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm & 10mm "only". I do have a 12mm cutter for the DF700 but only use it on big stuff, like garden benches, which I'm not making at the moment...
  13. N

    Armouring internet cable under grave driveway

    Don't forget to lay a warning tape over the length; "cable below"... I believe the argumentative poster simply doesn't understand WiFi, FTTP and VoIP or is trolling. FTTP terminates in the customer premises at an optical network termination (ONT) box which needs permanent power - there may be...
  14. N

    Joke Thread 4
