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  1. mc281


    It's not your's ours!
  2. mc281

    So it happened.........what next

    Take a look at The Fire Service or The NHS.
  3. mc281

    Pergola Advice

    You are incorrect as a flat strip works perfectly. A structural engineer advised this 20 years ago and it has been solid ever since on a floor support in a listed building.
  4. mc281

    Pergola Advice

    Better, as lighter weight, is a thin flat strip of steel underneath, screwed every 100mm in zig zag pattern, to avoid splitting. If you jack it up in the middle, before fixing, you will amazed how well this works. It costs much less than angle and may transported rolled up. An angle will flex...
  5. mc281

    Does being right or lft-handed determine which way round a room you go when painting ?

    If I'm brush painting I go round the room anticlockwise (I'm RH), as laying off is easier dragging right to left into wet paint. If I'm rolling I go clockwise, as I can always see the roller leaving the wet edge without looking around the roller to see the RH. If I know there's a lot of painting...
  6. mc281

    3D printer location

    I keep mine in a small walk in cupboard which is insulated and the only heat is from the print bed. I have printed right through winter butI got fed up of going outside across the yard to check on progress, until I fitted a Beagle 1st gen camera/printer hub. It is an absolute game changer.
  7. mc281

    What might this be? ... I do know, but do you?

    The more 'g's.... The more igggorant?
  8. mc281

    What might this be? ... I do know, but do you?

    What a great idea!
  9. mc281

    Armouring internet cable under grave driveway

    You cannot put your WiFi router in the street before your property so you have to have it in your home. THE CABLE, WHICH DOES THAT, TERMINATES ON/IN YOUR BUILDING. You then connect to that termination. Optical and WiFi ARE NOT the same, even if they move the same data!
  10. mc281

    What might this be? ... I do know, but do you?

    Apparently the one at Scroopy was of French, origin, so I guess anyone who eats Frog's legs will find a use for Larks Tongues too. I understand that the little mirrors reflect the sunlight and yes the hunter (?) hides in a bush or hedge and works the string. The one in the video is spun like a...
  11. mc281

    What might this be? ... I do know, but do you?

    It was on display at Carlton Scroop Tool event on Saturday. I asked what it was, to be told it was a Lark Attractor. Naturally I thought the guys were winding me up, so I made it my mission to find out what it really is..... It is in fact.... A Lark Attractor!
  12. mc281

    What do you do with all those scraps of timber?

    'Men in Sheds' groups in the UK are always looking for small stock
  13. mc281

    What might this be? ... I do know, but do you?

    Here's more information...
  14. mc281

    What might this be? ... I do know, but do you?

    No but not fixed. There are 3 parts.