Recent content by John Brown

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  1. J


    That's almost perfect! Marred only by the use of "cookie".
  2. J


    I think you might need to try harder My wife volunteers at a food bank, and I sometimes help with deliveries. The recipients vary, some have obviously fallen upon hard times, others may indeed be feckless. It's hard to function without a mobile phone these days, to be fair, and maybe they had...
  3. J


    The current government have done a very good job of focusing the people's attention on those less well off, e.g. immigrants, "benefit scroungers", while distracting them from the fact that the wealth keeps flowing upwards towards the super rich, who pick your pockets while your tugging your fire...
  4. J

    Knob for dimmer switch

    One was broken, but it was a twin dimmer switch, so changed both so that they were the same colour. As for the suggestion that I should've simply replaced the entire unit, I probably would've done in my own dwelling, but this was a rental property and I'm not a qualified electrician.
  5. J

    Knob for dimmer switch

    I bought a couple on eBay, if I remember correctly, they were the wrong colour, but did fit. Just checked my eBay purchase history, and I did, in fact, buy the ones found by flying haggis in the earlier post, so thank to you, FH!
  6. J

    Slot mortiser / poor man’s Festool domino

    Me too. I have quite a collection of drawer slides sitting around doing nothing. Just need to source a cheap palm router...
  7. J


    Must admit, I lie awake at night worrying about the English lanuguage. Does that qualify as wokyness?
  8. J

    todays mystery object

    Except there's no apparent hinge or pivot point where you'd expect, the legs are blunt and imprecise, and you can see the slot where the spring of a Jew's harp used to be.
  9. J


    I tried to watch it, but find it impossible to ignore his political bias. I think he is a thoroughly odious individual. Albeit a very clever one.
  10. J

    Refelt or other cover my 8 x 16 shed roof?

    I'm no expert, but I believe you can get away with battens and avoid buying plastic trim.
  11. J

    Refelt or other cover my 8 x 16 shed roof?

    I'd try to get a couple of alternative quotes. I just did our 12 x 5 shed, took a couple of hours. I am a bit younger at 71. Having said that, I frequently hear good things about EPDM. The shed we just erected was a kit, and came with the felt supplied.
  12. J

    todays mystery object

    +1 Although "musical" is questionable..
  13. J


    You make a good point, but to be honest, I just feel we have to get rid of the current Tory shower. They seem to sink to new depths of incompetence and corruption the longer they're in power. Crazy how Teresa May looks positively statesmanlike when put up beside Johnson, Truss and Sunak. I...
  14. J

    Flashing back edge of log store slate roof.

    Thanks everyone. I'll keep looking for a lead offcut, and think about other options in the meantime. There's no hurry, as we probably won't be using logs for a few months.