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  1. Inspector

    How to make the lid/top and not screw up mitres

    My suggestion would not produce a flat top. The centre of the panel would be but the edge, having been planed to routed thinner would dip to allow the molding to sit and fasten to the sides. It would look like a raised panel door etc. Pete
  2. Inspector

    UV resin

    I was at a seminar about UV resin at a woodturning symposium last weekend. The presenter said the resin and light should be matched as the resins are made to activate with a specific nanometer range. If the light is outside the range the resin was made to activate at the resin won't set...
  3. Inspector

    How to make the lid/top and not screw up mitres

    If it were my mistake I would cut a rebate around the edge of the sides so the top can sit flush and glue it. You would see half the thickness of the sides. Better to take wood movement into consideration would be to raise the edges of the top panel and hold it into the rebate with quarter round...
  4. Inspector


    Generally it is because the original poster linked the pictures offsite with a hosting company (like Photobucket) and they are no longer there or the site is gone. Therefore no pictures in the threads. That's why it is best to upload picture to the forum so as long as the forum exists we can see...
  5. Inspector


    I bought a set of Phi rules from Lee Valley a while back when they were introduced. Measure along one edge and then the same number on the other gives you the second dimension. Easy enough to work with and not horribly expensive. I admit to only using them a couple times or so thus far. There is...
  6. Inspector

    Wooden nails? Who’d of thunk it?

    I wonder how they would work for wooden boat construction/repair? Pete
  7. Inspector

    Choosing the most appropriate grinder for this job

    I would pull the white wheel off and run the grinder without anything on the shafts to see if it is still unbalanced and takes a while to slow to a stop when switched off. If it takes a while to slow to a stop the bearings are good. If it runs smooth then the wheel needs to be dressed. Unless...
  8. Inspector

    Myford ML8

    If you are sure the original threads have not been damaged or altered the Nova lines of chucks can be purchased with inserts to fit your lathe. Oneway makes chucks with adaptors too...
  9. Inspector

    Dust extraction options for small workshop

    I understand the difficulty choosing a DC when they appear much the same on the outside. Unfortunately the makers and sellers have a tendency to exaggerate and emphasize some aspects and ignore others. Of the two machines you're looking at the iTech has twice the horse power as the Axminster yet...
  10. Inspector

    Any idea what this is/ was?

    Variations used extensively in aircraft manufacturing to hold sheet metal parts and assemblies together for riveting etc. There might be other applications that used them too. Pete
  11. Inspector

    Wooden vice thread set

    You can cut threads with a router that will chip and crumble less. They are available to cut up to 1 1/2". When they first came out I offered to get one...
  12. Inspector

    Wooden vice thread set

    Did a search for wood threading tools and found Amazon has a few. Maybe they ship to you. A search of asian selling sites might have the same at lower prices...
  13. Inspector

    How to enthuse a 4 year old

    I can't say why but when I read the thread title I wondered why anyone would want to soak a kid in herbs and flowers? Then I realized it didn't say infused. 🙄 My buddy gave each of his kids their own little tool box with a hammer, some screwdrivers, glue, pencils, tape measure and colouring...
  14. Inspector

    Looking for an elegant joint solution

    If the moisture content in the slab is close to other wood you have in the house then attach the legs to the top with mortices, tenons (cut with a tenon cutter in a drill/drill press or doweled. The small amount of movement the top may go through will be "absorbed" by the top of the legs...
  15. Inspector

    Attaching 12mm pipe at right angles.

    Try Annular Cutters. Example below. Pete