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    DrPhill reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Unpaving with Like Like.
    You could always stack 2 or 3 sleepers high and fill the 1st 8 “ with gravel or similar. Moss and Algae will grow regardless especially...
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    DrPhill reacted to John Hall's post in the thread Unpaving with Like Like.
    As already mentioned a lot depends on what is under the pavers..if it’s sand, removing individual pavers then leaves the edges of the...
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    DrPhill reacted to Terry - Somerset's post in the thread Unpaving with Like Like.
    We had a decayed old shed in the wrong place. It appeared (before demolition) to sit on a gravel bed - I assume good good for drainage...
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    DrPhill reacted to Jacob's post in the thread Unpaving with Like Like.
    It all depends on what's under the paving. - could be compacted hardcore. Perhaps have a trial go? Have a similar problem with our new...
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    DrPhill reacted to pidgeonpost's post in the thread Unpaving with Like Like.
    I guess that if you created some sort of raised bed you'd still need to remove some slabs and ensure your new bed will drain properly...
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    DrPhill reacted to Tris's post in the thread Unpaving with Like Like.
    Have a dig around the patio edges with a trowel, if the slabs are properly haunched with mortar then it's a fair bet they are either on...
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    DrPhill reacted to Richard_C's post in the thread Unpaving with Like Like.
    There are lots of useful thoughts above about the slabs etc., but don't forget the soil beneath. Chances are it will be compacted...
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    DrPhill reacted to Bingy man's post in the thread Unpaving with Like Like.
    Having done many hard landscaping jobs over the years you will be surprised what folk hide ( especially builders) could be all good but...
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    DrPhill replied to the thread Unpaving.
    Indeed. It is this that worries me and makes me reluctant to follow the 'remove slabs and dig' option. Raising the soil certainly...
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    DrPhill replied to the thread Unpaving.
    You are right abut the soil. We are on or near clay here, but where we have dug it is a spit or more down. I am expecting poor soil...
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    DrPhill replied to the thread Unpaving.
    Thanks Tris, the patio area is completely surrounded by walls, so digging around the edge may not be easy. Drilling through a gap may...
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    DrPhill replied to the thread Unpaving.
    Thanks Jacob, yes, 'what lies beneath' is the big question. Removing a slab might tell us, but the entire patio area is neat and tidy...
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    DrPhill replied to the thread Unpaving.
    Thanks Terry, We think the slabs will be on a compacted gravel (chippings?) layer. Builder who excavated gravel traps around the house...
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    DrPhill posted the thread Unpaving in General Chat (Off-Topic).
    We have a new (to us) house. It has a lot of paving and we were thinking of removing some to create beds for flowers/vegetables/fruit...
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    DrPhill reacted to Cobbs's post in the thread It Stopped Raining with Like Like.
    Enjoyed the weather and got a bit done in the garden, but in my case not spraying all over with poison...